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Thread: Your most memorable catch.

  1. #11
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    In 2005 while on a late lunch break at work I was fishing off the dock that I was installing snook lights on. I had a junk 2 piece rod that I carried with me in the work van to catch jacks to use as shark bait ay night. I had a piece of cut frozen mullet near the sea wall with I saw my pole about to be dragged in. Set the hook and knew it wasn't a jack. When I started pulling drag I figured I hooked a baby bull shark and the fun would be over in seconds since I only had 15lb mono. I put on the pressure and turn him. It came to the top and jumped out of the water and then I saw it, the biggest snook I'd ever seen. I was installing wire under the dock so I had the S.S. Minnow (a tiny floating raft with a rope to pull it under the docks). I jumped on it and let the fish pull me around the front of the dock while my worker held the rope. Got the fish to the seawall and by now the home owner saw what was going on (who was also anavid snook fisherman) was out with a scale and ppolaroid camera. Got the snook up to him and weight out just under 39lbs. Took 2 pics and released her to fight again. Fight took around 20 mins. Greatest fishing memory/story a, at the time, 19yr old kid could ask for

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  3. #12
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    I haven't been to the pier yet I will be there soon come on Oct 9th. My best for saltwater was a 35# AJ and freshwater is a 15# 30 in flathead catfish but lost a 45# blue cat a hour later after the flathead

  4. #13
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    Chasin’ brownies and ‘bows at 10,000’
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    The last little batch of bream I caught with my dad. The first fish I helped my two boys catch. Anything I've caught personally is basically insignificant to those three.

    ETA - Until I die, I'll never forget my oldest (when he was about 2 or 3) sitting oh so quietly in the bottom of the boat while my dad and I were white perch fishing. Soon figured out why he was sitting so quietly - he was methodically catching and cutting the tails off all the shiners with the scissors on the Swiss Army knife. He remembers it to this day. Oh, my, how we laughed until we cried - he was so proud of himself.
    derekb and Lambo821 like this.
    Screw it. Let's ride.

  5. #14
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    catching a 6 lb speck on #4 under the third piling out from the pier on a 6' alewife fed strait under with my bait half way out of the water

  6. #15
    King Mack Nightmare
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    6' foot alewife that is on huge bait
    fishfinder and derekb like this.
    No Fear No Doubt All In Ballz Out

  7. #16
    King Mack Nightmare
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    I know you meant 6" alewife but that is funny
    No Fear No Doubt All In Ballz Out

  8. #17
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    22# tripletail I caught at the T of the old pier in 1997. I played with that fish for 2.5 hours before she finally ate a 6" live shrimp. Every time she would make the circle she was swimming around the T she would come up and nose the shrimp and then swim off. at one point the shrimp grabbed on to her back and was riding it. when I hooked her she swam strait under the pier all the way to the other side then turned and swam strait out and I freespooled her out to about 80 yards from the pier and walked her to the octi. where Charlie Virciglio netted her for me.

  9. #18
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    Late November 2010, throwing a small jig for spanish, when the drag started screaming on my little shimano sedona 4000/paired with a med/light rod. Played that fish for nearly 30 min, 22lb red on 10lb line.

    Watching my dad catch a 3lb pompano, he turns to me and says, "is that what I think it is!?" haha

    First cast at my uncles pond, thought I was hung until that bass surfaced. Felt my heart stop everytime she jumped. 7.5 lbs. Hardly ever catch a fish on the first cast, let alone a biggun.

  10. #19
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    105# Amberjack 35 miles offshore. Took almost 4 hours to get her up and as soon as we got a tail wrap and a gaff in her, the line broke. I almost had a heart attack!

  11. #20
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    this past summer the reds were starting to run in the evening about 6 o clock...... i couldnt catch one for the life of me i was pretty pissed. when i hooked up i either got burnt off by braid or got tangled up by googans and didn't feel like untangling it. the the third time they came through i was sittin there waiting on them and i couldnt believe it but it was like boca grande about 40-50 tarpon were in front of the school rolling. alot of people hooked up but were broke off or just lost it. mine actually stayed hooked up i fought the fish until about 8:30 at night i got him at the pier and broke him off. defiantly my most most memorable catch
    get the gaff!!!


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