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Thread: What's the difference, if any,...

  1. #21
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    What size whiting and ground mullet do you guys usually keep? We have caught several while we were down but never very big. I haven't cleaned any yet.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bkwathen View Post
    What size whiting and ground mullet do you guys usually keep? We have caught several while we were down but never very big. I haven't cleaned any yet.
    I just got back home from a week down there. I put on a fish fry Tuesday night, so in planning to do so, I kept smaller fish than I typically would (in fact, I rarely keep any).

    I'd say a 1.5 pound or better whiting is most desirable. Since I filet everything (raised as a bass fisherman), it really isn't any trouble to filet even the little ones. The only problem with the small ones is that you end up with a crappie sized filet. I'll say that even just casually keeping and cleaning them, it didn't take but two fishing sessions to come up with enough to have a fish fry for 7 family members. I ended up with a bunch of tasty little filets that I can best describe as being similar to "crappie nuggets". A bit of House Autry and peanut oil made for some fine eating.

    I also caught several smaller legal flounder to add to the pot, so that didn't hurt either. We ended up with about twice the amount of fish that we needed.

    As a person that likes to land sharks, I basically drew the line based on what I thought was castable shark bait or people food.
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  3. #23
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    I prefer the ones 12" and up.
    Those are fish about 2 1/2 to 3 years old that have spawned at least once...
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