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Thread: Shark Population

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pier#r View Post
    Some loons were around too.
    All of us who have been without access have been looney -- no need to get personal.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by midwestexile View Post
    All of us who have been without access have been looney -- no need to get personal.
    Personally, I'm a card carrying member of the Lunatic-Middle-Of-The-Road Party.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pier#r View Post
    Sure, there will be some sharks around. Likely even plentiful at times.
    But I'm not so sure they will hang around the pier like they would when the 'chum line' was getting their interest.

    Pelicans either for that matter.
    Some, sure. But not swimming around the platform waiting for scraps.
    And not lined up on the rail pooping their lil tails off ;-)
    Reminds me of the time I watched a guy hustle to grab an open spot on the rail next to one of the lights- he didn't realize that it was an open spot for a reason. There was a pelican on the overhead light that was, well lets just say he was regular. The guy found out a few minutes later why that spot was vacant. I did try to warn him, but he didn't believe me.
    pokenfish, 9iron, Pier#r and 2 others like this.

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  5. #14
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    Not me! I'm nuttier than a rat in a tin outhouse. Not ta switch gears but the other day I took a good look at the section on the pier that isnt finished and it looks like it's really close to being completed. Just boards to be installed, etc. Think their dragging their feet. Looks that way.

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dasarge1953 View Post
    Not me! I'm nuttier than a rat in a tin outhouse. Not ta switch gears but the other day I took a good look at the section on the pier that isnt finished and it looks like it's really close to being completed. Just boards to be installed, etc. Think their dragging their feet. Looks that way.
    If I had to guess, I would bet that there is structural damage under water (maybe just on one or two piles) and they couldn't get an Engineer to sign off on using that part. I would also bet we could fish out there till the cows come home without anybody suffering, but that ain't the way that kind of business is done.

    If it were mine to say there would be a temporary walkway to the octi being built right now, but it ain't mine.
    coach and MarkS1320 like this.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  7. #16
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    LOL - To what gain would the park system "drag their feet" in reopening what they can, when they can?

    Imagine the blowback IF they were to reopen that last 175 feet ('compromised section'), and it collapses while 200 or so people are out there on it while fishing next month, or April, or May?
    Plus, depending on what the engineers determine, the park still has to come up with the funding.

    Most assuredly, EVERYONE wants to get back out on the octi as soon (and safely) as possible...

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  9. #17
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    Go out and look at the left hand run of concrete on that blocked off section. It’s most likely not supposed to be kinked like that. The “what if’s” that Mr. Thornton are talking about would be the end of pier fishing for our lifetimes if that happened. That is if your actual lifetime didn’t end in that event.

  10. #18
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    I investigated deeper into this yesterday by contacting a guy in Montgomery. (please don't ask ;-)

    And as expected, a LOT has been going on that we have not been seeing or hearing about.
    The damage assessment was completed some time ago: at least 9 pilings were 'broken off' in the 210 foot collapsed section.
    These will have to be replaced as part of the rebuilding plan.
    That damage is similar to what happened in hurricanes Gustav and Ike in Aug/Sept 2008, which delayed the opening of the pier for over 8 months (back to July of 2009).
    A repair plan has been submitted to the engineering firm that did the original design to see if alterations are needed in the design.

    The current holdups are: getting permits and getting funding.
    Let's hope NOAA and FEMA are in a better mood this year, and this hurricane season is MUCH less active!
    So, PLEASE be patient! We all know how these details take time to be resolved and the plan gain momentum.

    Bottom line is: things have been progressing, but it will still be several months before we hear anything (official) about what the plan and schedule will be.
    And just because we don't see equipment on the pier doesn't mean 'nothing' is being done to fix it...

    Looking on the brighter side, at least sharks have not been a problem on the pier so far this year ;-) lol
    Last edited by Pier#r; 02-26-2021 at 10:50 AM.
    CJW, jjfish, coach and 5 others like this.

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