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Thread: Save Fort Morgan Pier Project

  1. #11
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    Our politicians have no idea how many fishermen vote. Next month is election time. Gov Bentley and his department heads have done nothing for the past five years about getting the Perdido Pass fisherman and tourist access restored on the west side of Perdido pass. It has now been fenced off for about five years and all I have gotten is the runaround about funding and repairs. Remember that when you go to vote next month. This was the only easily accessible location for handicapped people on the entire Alabama Coast line. DO THEY CARE? I THINK NOT!!!!!! I have been sending emails and talking with people for three years on this matter. NO PROGRESS.

  2. #12
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    THAT was a great IDEA, to use some BP money . Who is it that is in charge of how the BP money is spent for Water resourse related projects? I think they have talked about building new and more locations of Boat Ramps.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldfisherman View Post
    Our politicians have no idea how many fishermen vote. Next month is election time. Gov Bentley and his department heads have done nothing for the past five years about getting the Perdido Pass fisherman and tourist access restored on the west side of Perdido pass. It has now been fenced off for about five years and all I have gotten is the runaround about funding and repairs. Remember that when you go to vote next month. This was the only easily accessible location for handicapped people on the entire Alabama Coast line. DO THEY CARE? I THINK NOT!!!!!! I have been sending emails and talking with people for three years on this matter. NO PROGRESS.
    !,00,000 Dittos man.

    Our gubmint don't care about us.
    Sorry to say.
    Beware the power of fools in large numbers

  4. #14
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    We'll have to see what happens...

  5. #15
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Well it's been a few years, but some of the BP money may be slated to restore the Ft Morgan Pier...
    http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa...ortunities.pdf Alternative 2: Fort Morgan Pier RehabilitationProject Summary/Background. This project would fund the rehabilitation of a fishing pier located onFort Morgan Peninsula in extreme southwestern Baldwin County, Alabama. The existing pier isapproximately 500 feet long and is located at the Fort Morgan State Historic Site. See Figure 2-3. Untilrecently, the Fort Morgan fishing pier was heavily used by recreational fisherman. However, the pier,which is more than 40 years old, fell into disrepair, and in 2014 the Alabama Historical Commissionclosed it for safety reasons. The proposed project would rehabilitate the pier on its existing foundations,increasing publicly available opportunities for pier-based fishing in Baldwin County. This rehabilitatedpier would meet current building code requirements, comply with Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)-accessible fishing guidelines, and add proper lighting and other features and amenities.Educational signage on fishing regulations, stewardship of coastal resources, and related informationwould be placed at the site. No parking lot improvements would be needed because adequate parking isalready available at the site.The pier would continue to operate under the same conditions as previously. It would be open from8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. Admission fees, which cover the costs of operations, would be applied: Adult—$7 Senior—$5 (ages 65 and over) Child—$4 (ages 6–12,(children under 6 are free) Family—$18 (Two adults and two children 6–12 years)

    Proposed Infrastructure (or Proposed Improvements). The proposed project would includethe following: Install an anchored vinyl sheet pile as support and protection. Back fill the area between the sheet pile and pier for support. Remove and dispose of the current wooden decking. Replace the current pier decking with new concrete decking. Construct a concrete sidewalk connecting the pier and the shore.No new infrastructure would be required or added at the site. The site includes an existing parking lotwith space for 30 to 40 vehicles. Restrooms are available at the site’s ferry dock, and portable toilets areavailable at the pier. These existing amenities would be available for fishing pier visitors.Additional restoration efforts are underway in the immediate area. Permits are currently being soughtby ADCNR Marine Resources Division to restore the boat ramp and jetty that are adjacent to FortMorgan Pier. This restoration project would be carried out with funds from the USFWS’ Sport FishermanRestoration Fund rather than funds from the DWH NRDA settlement.Construction Methodology (and Implementation Methodology) and Timing. Planning, E&D, andpermitting/consultations with applicable agencies such as the United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE), NOAA, and USFWS would take approximately one year; six months would be needed forconstruction activities. All construction activities would be designed and implemented in accordancewith the existing regulations and permits. Additional permits and consultations would be applied andinitiated as required.Sheet Pile Installation: Currently an aluminum sheet pile exists along the “inside” or boat basin side ofthe pier. This structure, which has been in place for more than 10 years, would be left intact, and a vinylsheet pile would be installed on the outside the existing aluminum structure. An additional vinyl sheetpile would also be installed along the outside or waterward side of the pier. Approximately 1,080 linearfeet of vinyl sheet pile would be installed around the pier. The sheet pile would be approximately30 feet long and would be placed to a depth of approximately 20 to 22 feet, thereby creating a pierelevation of approximately 8 feet. A pile cap would be placed along the top of the sheet pile. The sheetpile would likely be installed by crane from a barge and is estimated to take one to two months.Backfilling: After successful installation of the sheet pile, the area between the sheet pile and the pierwould be backfilled with sand to provide additional structural strength and stability. The area to be filledis approximately 24,451 square feet and would require approximately 5,000 to 6,000 cubic yards of fill.The sand used as fill material would be acquired from dredging of the adjacent boat basin and from anonsite spoil area of sand previously dredged from the adjacent boat basin. Fill material would beinstalled using a long reach track hoe, dump truck, and bulldozer. This construction would occur fromthe existing pier.Installation of Tie Rods: 50-foot-long tie rods would be installed connecting one side of the newlyinstalled sheet pile to the other side. These square metal tie rods would measure approximately 1 inchby 1 inch by 50 feet. Wooden walers (1 square foot) would be used to further hold the tie rods in place.These tie rods would be installed along the sheet pile approximately every 3 to 4 feet.Deck replacement: The support structure underneath the current pier consists of decommissionedbarges and wooden pilings. This support structure would be left in place, undisturbed. The currentwooden deck area of the existing pier (approximately 17,000 square feet) would be removed. Deckingwould be removed by track hoe from a barge and would take approximately two weeks. Decking wouldbe replaced with concrete 4 to 6 inches thick installed by pump truck from land. Construction ofconcrete decking could take up to a month. ADA-compliant wooden railing would be installed. Allconstruction activities would be designed and implemented in accordance with the existing regulationsand permits. Additional permits would be applied for as required.Maintenance Requirements. The Alabama Historical Commission would provide short- and long-termmaintenance for all project infrastructure. These activities would be funded with site entrance fees.Over time, the entrance fees may be adjusted to reflect changes in the ongoing operating andmaintenance costs.Project Monitoring Summary. The restoration objective of this project is to restore a portion of the lostrecreational use caused by the spill. This would be accomplished by repairing and replacing existinginfrastructure that is no longer accessible to the public in order to improve the public’s enjoyment ofAlabama’s Coastal resources. The project would be deemed successful when the pier has beenrehabilitated. As such, performance criteria for this project are the satisfactory construction of the pier.Pier use would also be recorded and reviewed, using changes in site revenue over time to gaugechanges in visitation.Cost. Estimated project costs are $3,075,000. This includes funds for planning, construction, monitoring,and Trustee supervision. No funds are included for operations and maintenance because these activitieswould be funded through entrance fees for the Fort Morgan Historic Site.
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  7. #16
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Well it's been a few years, but some of the BP money may be slated to restore the Ft Morgan Pier...
    http://www.gulfspillrestoration.noaa...ortunities.pdf Alternative 2: Fort Morgan Pier RehabilitationProject Summary/Background. This project would fund the rehabilitation of a fishing pier located onFort Morgan Peninsula in extreme southwestern Baldwin County, Alabama. The existing pier isapproximately 500 feet long and is located at the Fort Morgan State Historic Site. See Figure 2-3. Untilrecently, the Fort Morgan fishing pier was heavily used by recreational fisherman. However, the pier,which is more than 40 years old, fell into disrepair, and in 2014 the Alabama Historical Commissionclosed it for safety reasons. The proposed project would rehabilitate the pier on its existing foundations,increasing publicly available opportunities for pier-based fishing in Baldwin County. This rehabilitatedpier would meet current building code requirements, comply with Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)-accessible fishing guidelines, and add proper lighting and other features and amenities.Educational signage on fishing regulations, stewardship of coastal resources, and related informationwould be placed at the site. No parking lot improvements would be needed because adequate parking isalready available at the site.The pier would continue to operate under the same conditions as previously. It would be open from8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. Admission fees, which cover the costs of operations, would be applied: Adult—$7 Senior—$5 (ages 65 and over) Child—$4 (ages 6–12,(children under 6 are free) Family—$18 (Two adults and two children 6–12 years)

    Proposed Infrastructure (or Proposed Improvements). The proposed project would includethe following: Install an anchored vinyl sheet pile as support and protection. Back fill the area between the sheet pile and pier for support. Remove and dispose of the current wooden decking. Replace the current pier decking with new concrete decking. Construct a concrete sidewalk connecting the pier and the shore.No new infrastructure would be required or added at the site. The site includes an existing parking lotwith space for 30 to 40 vehicles. Restrooms are available at the site’s ferry dock, and portable toilets areavailable at the pier. These existing amenities would be available for fishing pier visitors.Additional restoration efforts are underway in the immediate area. Permits are currently being soughtby ADCNR Marine Resources Division to restore the boat ramp and jetty that are adjacent to FortMorgan Pier. This restoration project would be carried out with funds from the USFWS’ Sport FishermanRestoration Fund rather than funds from the DWH NRDA settlement.Construction Methodology (and Implementation Methodology) and Timing. Planning, E&D, andpermitting/consultations with applicable agencies such as the United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE), NOAA, and USFWS would take approximately one year; six months would be needed forconstruction activities. All construction activities would be designed and implemented in accordancewith the existing regulations and permits. Additional permits and consultations would be applied andinitiated as required.Sheet Pile Installation: Currently an aluminum sheet pile exists along the “inside” or boat basin side ofthe pier. This structure, which has been in place for more than 10 years, would be left intact, and a vinylsheet pile would be installed on the outside the existing aluminum structure. An additional vinyl sheetpile would also be installed along the outside or waterward side of the pier. Approximately 1,080 linearfeet of vinyl sheet pile would be installed around the pier. The sheet pile would be approximately30 feet long and would be placed to a depth of approximately 20 to 22 feet, thereby creating a pierelevation of approximately 8 feet. A pile cap would be placed along the top of the sheet pile. The sheetpile would likely be installed by crane from a barge and is estimated to take one to two months.Backfilling: After successful installation of the sheet pile, the area between the sheet pile and the pierwould be backfilled with sand to provide additional structural strength and stability. The area to be filledis approximately 24,451 square feet and would require approximately 5,000 to 6,000 cubic yards of fill.The sand used as fill material would be acquired from dredging of the adjacent boat basin and from anonsite spoil area of sand previously dredged from the adjacent boat basin. Fill material would beinstalled using a long reach track hoe, dump truck, and bulldozer. This construction would occur fromthe existing pier.Installation of Tie Rods: 50-foot-long tie rods would be installed connecting one side of the newlyinstalled sheet pile to the other side. These square metal tie rods would measure approximately 1 inchby 1 inch by 50 feet. Wooden walers (1 square foot) would be used to further hold the tie rods in place.These tie rods would be installed along the sheet pile approximately every 3 to 4 feet.Deck replacement: The support structure underneath the current pier consists of decommissionedbarges and wooden pilings. This support structure would be left in place, undisturbed. The currentwooden deck area of the existing pier (approximately 17,000 square feet) would be removed. Deckingwould be removed by track hoe from a barge and would take approximately two weeks. Decking wouldbe replaced with concrete 4 to 6 inches thick installed by pump truck from land. Construction ofconcrete decking could take up to a month. ADA-compliant wooden railing would be installed. Allconstruction activities would be designed and implemented in accordance with the existing regulationsand permits. Additional permits would be applied for as required.Maintenance Requirements. The Alabama Historical Commission would provide short- and long-termmaintenance for all project infrastructure. These activities would be funded with site entrance fees.Over time, the entrance fees may be adjusted to reflect changes in the ongoing operating andmaintenance costs.Project Monitoring Summary. The restoration objective of this project is to restore a portion of the lostrecreational use caused by the spill. This would be accomplished by repairing and replacing existinginfrastructure that is no longer accessible to the public in order to improve the public’s enjoyment ofAlabama’s Coastal resources. The project would be deemed successful when the pier has beenrehabilitated. As such, performance criteria for this project are the satisfactory construction of the pier.Pier use would also be recorded and reviewed, using changes in site revenue over time to gaugechanges in visitation.Cost. Estimated project costs are $3,075,000. This includes funds for planning, construction, monitoring,and Trustee supervision. No funds are included for operations and maintenance because these activitieswould be funded through entrance fees for the Fort Morgan Historic Site.


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