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Thread: Fun experiment...MAYBE

  1. #11
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    I had thought about rigging up a phantom drone for just such a thing. Live video and a bait release. and 1$ a run. My issues were 1: the wind gusts 2: googans casting in the general area could hit it with a sabiki 3: angry seabirds attacking it 4: being sky'd on by a king wanting the cargo 5: battery life to actually get more than a few good drops would be marginal 6: say the bite turns on and my drone is 200 yards out, i'm stuck flying, while fisherman are catching.

    It would be cool for an experiment. I think you should give it a shot. if you could locate some of the reefs you could drop near them and probably catch some nice fish.

  2. #12
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    The idea of looking for ling is a good one except for battery life. Another problem for me would be screen resolution, but you young folks can see better than us old farts. I have worked several occasions with someone using one of those, a fairly high end $1500 model and it is not bothered at all by 20-25 mph winds (maybe more, but I have witnessed that).

    You could partly solve the problem of traffic by taking off vertically from behind the red lines with the bait, although you would still have to drape the line over other lines and people casting. The one I have seen can use GPS to maintain a constant X-Y while the "Z" is being varied and automatically retraces to home if the battery gets low.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  3. #13
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    I will check around as much as possible before attempting. As far as wind gust, as long as it is 20mph or under it will be fine. It has a GPS, so I can let go of the joystick, go to the bath room, and when I get back it we be in the same location...I've tried it. The googan dilemma worries me more than anything, but if it works fine if not I guess I will just have to fish..LOL
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  5. #14
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    Also I have a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced with 4 batteries. 20-22 minutes a battery. I can also hand launch it and retrieve it with a buddy assisting.
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  6. #15
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    You may be ok with the googan issue early in the am whilst assisting king fishers and such. can you rig a multiple line rig? like holding 2-3 lines drop #1 11oclock @ 150yards, #2 at 12oclock @ 150-175 and #3 at 1-2oclock at 150 yards. that would be easy if the rod holders just stayed put while their lines were in transit.

  7. #16
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    Mr. Cleland, multiple lines would be great, but that's a tangle up/ cluster **** waiting to happen. I have practiced at a pond and can take a line out to approximately 200 yards drop and have the drone back in 2-3 minutes.
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  8. #17
    DRH is offline
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    Mr Cleland,
    I understand what you mean by the term "the googan issue". However if you think about it, wouldn't someone deploying a drone from the pier quickly become the googan if it interfered with anyone experienced or not?

    As far as the idea of using a drone from the pier goes, use it as an observation tool not bait deployment. Save the fun experiment for the surf or a bank where you may need a little to a lot of distance. You can catch plenty enough kings right up against the pier without casting at all. It may be good for cobia fishing, but why would you need a pier? Also how would the cobia fishermen, that put in their time to hone their casting and spotting skills, recieve it.
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  9. #18
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    DRH: that is some deep thought right there! the one who fears a googan, becoming the googan!!

    I think you could possibly enhance a already fun challenge with the ling. may be able to spot some that normally would go unseen.

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRH View Post
    You can catch plenty enough kings right up against the pier without casting at all.
    That's for sure. The pier is a fish magnet. On the other hand, while I've hooked more kings close to the pier, if it is too close on a crowded day the line tangles become a major issue.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.


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