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Thread: Bait Tub on the Octi?

  1. #11
    Dufus Tourist
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    Sometimes you catch several ly on a ribbon rig or sabiki at one time and it's easy enough to drop the xtras in the tank. I would want to use a fresh ly every time but would grab one from the tank if there were a chew down in progress. I loan out my sabiki and ribbon about as often as I do my net and don't mind because I have used other people's nets as well. i have left them in the condo before and donated at least a couple to the pilings and didn't have a spare. I couldn't care less who borrows mine as along as you put it back where and how you found it. The tank is a great idea but there will always be freeloaders. Mitt Romney's true statement that "47% of the people in America pay no taxes" (for various reasons) made a lot of people angry, yet it is still true. I figure a lot of times there will be enough youngsters filling the bait tank to supply a lot of extra bait. There will be a few who catch 3 ly and throw the other 2 back because they don't like the tank. Hopefully if the inbreeds urinate in it at night the pump will flush it out by morning.

    Quote Originally Posted by craigt View Post
    Why would someone waste their time catching or buying bait when they can just partake of the "community" tank? I am also afraid that John G may be right about the garbage pit aspect; having seen the pier on "mornings after."
    john g, bodebum, jollymon and 2 others like this.

  2. #12
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    It will be nice to have a fresh water supply for bait buckets and a quick place to dip your hands into instead of dealing with a water hose.
    chillinfish, Pier#r and flyguy like this.

  3. #13
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    I think the tank will be fine in the daytime, but I'm prophesying that it winds up with a padlock on it for the nights, either that or gone.

    Edit: maybe they could point that video cam at it. That way we could get rid of some troublemakers.
    Haywire and flyguy like this.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  4. #14
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    All the above was covered in a previous post and I agree, it probably won't work. But the idea came from Brent, an employee and I applaud any idea the staff comes up with to try and help the fishermen!

  5. #15
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    I hope it works too. Can't hurt anything to try it because I am sure it will be taken care of if it becomes a problem.
    flyguy and bodebum like this.

  6. #16
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    I hope it works, too, and I expect it won't have much, if any effect on my bait situation. The trouble is that it only takes one or two miscreants to spoil it for everybody. ---And from past experience, the pier people won't do anything to the troublemakers, even if they catch them.
    flyguy and chillinfish like this.

  7. #17
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Whoever poo-pooed the idea of the rectangular or square box wasn't using their 'noodle'.
    Such a box (evan an icechest) can easily have the 'corners' eliminated by adding a strip of stiff 1/4" to 3/8" mesh material strung around the inside walls, attached to the midpoints...

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  8. #18
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    I hope it's ready and flowing come May..I've got 2 new bait bags ready to fill and hang for ready access. I hope to leave the bait bucket and aerator back at the house and save room on the cart.
    Good times, Good friends, Great Beer. You can buy all three - But it's always better to invest the time to make your own.


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