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Thread: News clip from pier about sharks..

  1. #11
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    The sharks are there with the schools of mackerel---do you expect them to turn down dessert from the cleaning tables?

  2. #12
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    I’m sure this is a dumb question but how close to the pier can you shore fish and if it’s reasonably close could some of the sharks be caught and removed?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indiana87 View Post
    I’m sure this is a dumb question but how close to the pier can you shore fish and if it’s reasonably close could some of the sharks be caught and removed?
    Landing sharks is prohibited in the Park, Orange Beach and Gulf Shores.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by frednic View Post
    Landing sharks is prohibited in the Park, Orange Beach and Gulf Shores.
    Gotcha. Just to clarify things, does that mean no landing sharks on public beaches or all beaches including private areas?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indiana87 View Post
    Gotcha. Just to clarify things, does that mean no landing sharks on public beaches or all beaches including private areas?
    All beaches in Alabama are public from the water to mean high tide. IOW you can walk, or fish, down by the shore everywhere you just can't walk up on the dry part.
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by frednic View Post
    Landing sharks is prohibited in the Park, Orange Beach and Gulf Shores.
    Please, if you do not know the laws, don't pretend that you do.

    No it is not illegal to fish for or land sharks in Orange Beach and Gulf Shores.

    It is only illegal to fish for sharks in a manner,
    "...that presents an unsafe condition to any beach goers, sun bathers,swimmers, or any other person."
    "...to fish for or target sharks of any species by those methods commonly known as “chumming” or “bloodbaiting”.(a) For purposes of this regulation, “chumming” shall be defined as the throwing of bait or fish parts into the water to attract fish(b) For purposes of this regulation, “bloodbaiting” shall be defined as the use of blood, chemical or synthetic attractants, fish parts, chicken parts or other animal parts to attract fish or sharks.
    It is only illegal within the Gulf State Park boundaries and pier, and then only by a line originally cast from there.
    (f) It shall be unlawful to fish for sharks or use any type of shark fishing gear on any Gulf State Park Public Beach or on the Gulf State Park Saltwater Fishing Pier. It shall be unlawful to land or to attempt to land any shark on any line originally cast from said State Park Pier or Beach.
    So technically you could fish from a kayak, hook up a shark and then land it on any GSP beach.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

  7. #17
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    The actual Alabama law pertaining to shark fishing and methods, please read it and understand it.
    This is the Orange Beach and Gulf Shores law that so few actually fully know and understand.
    “It shall be unlawful within three hundred feet of the shoreline, or on a public pier, or on a private pier where an unsafe condition is created, on or in waters of Alabama under the jurisdiction of the Marine Resources Division as provided by Rule 220-2-.42, to fish for or target sharks or any species by those methods commonly known as ‘chumming’ or ‘bloodbaiting.’
    “For purposes of this regulation, ‘chumming’ shall be defined as the throwing of bait or fish parts into the water to attract fish.

    “For purposes of this regulation, ‘bloodbaiting’ shall be defined as the use of blood, chemical or synthetic attractants, fish parts, chicken parts or other animal parts to attract fish or sharks.
    “It shall be unlawful, on or adjacent to the waters of Alabama under the jurisdiction of the Marine Resources Division as provided by Rule 220-2-.42, for any person to surf fish for sharks, bow fish for sharks, or fish for or target sharks by any other means from any pier or beach in such a manner that presents an unsafe condition to any beach goers, sun bathers, swimmers, or any other person.”

    No where in there does it say it is illegal to land a shark.

    It is worded so that any fishing near any beach goer can be construed as posing a hazard to the tourists.
    It is so loosely written that ANY Fishing within 300' of the beach can be prohibited, especially fishing with any type of bait.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

  8. #18
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    I would be happy if another big Tiger came around for the summer like last year. That scared the Hell out of me though it did keep all the other sharks run off if she decided to attack somebody on the beach they wouldn't stand a chance.
    chillinfish likes this.

  9. #19
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    Chili is on top of this. I did some digging in the Alabama administrative codes. The code Chili is talking about is 220-3-.77 titled Shark Fishing. My interpretation of that law, which that law is written to be enforced by the descretion of law enforcement officers viewing the totality of circumstances(all facts must be considered), is that shark fishing is completely legal as long as you put no one else in danger.

    Now if you’re shark fishing around people and when you get checked by the law and you say you were just fishing for some other species but all your gear and tackle say you’re shark fishing then you’re probably screwed. Layman’s terms: don’t shark fish around other people or dump bloody fish parts in the water that will attract sharks and put people in danger. I would personally want at least a couple hundred yards between me and any other person if I was shark fishing just to be safe but the “safe” distance would be left to the officers discretion. Bloody parts from the pier cleaning station would not fall under chumming because there is no intent for that purpose. Added that part for the few who will try to bring up that argument. Also I didn’t try to look up the codes that govern the state park property specifically.

    **Disclaimer** Im obviously not an Alabama law enforcement officer but I do get to play one here in Indiana so don’t go on what I say because I have no idea how the local prosecutors office will view things. When in doubt call your local law enforcement agency and they can help make things clear as mud for you. Sorry for the novel but when it comes to the law I get on a roll. I’d like to write more and more is needed, but I know most won’t even read all what I’ve wrote already.


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