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Thread: GSP Golf Course

  1. #11
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    Dig it out and build a big lake so we can have a place to fish that's not over run with sharks.
    pokenfish, eym_sirius and CarlF like this.

  2. #12
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Coming to a canal near you...

    “Our traffic problems in and around this area can be vastly improved by one build alone, a project that has been in the conception phase for over a decade,” Emerson said of a road through the park. “I recognize we desperately need a cross-island corridor.”

    Kennon said he hopes the closing of the Gulf State Park Golf Course could be the solution to the north-south corridor officials believe is vitally necessary to alleviate traffic on Canal Road. The bridge’s south footing would be within a few thousand yards of the golf course and connects to State Park Road 2, an existing roadway. It is currently closed and part of the trail system but has been recently paved and is intact.

    Holding up any road through the state park is an agreement with the Gulf Resource Council settling a lawsuit about funding for the Gulf State Park Lodge and other improvements in the park. The state agreed no new roads would be built in the state park for 20 years. Kennon hopes the golf course closure will open the door to the thoroughfare.

    “We may now get our road through the state park,” Kennon said. “We could go across the golf course to State Road 2, an existing roadway and go straight to the beach. Now, how much sense would that bridge make? Come right off that bridge and boom, boom, you’re on the beach, no more traffic on Canal Road. It is the perfect solution.”
    Last edited by Pier#r; 11-22-2018 at 12:48 AM.


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