Thread: Respooling
10-26-2011, 11:35 AM #11
Re: Respooling
I replace my VS 250 with braid in march-april and mono the rest of the year and VS 150 #16 mono i keep my reels in my rocket launchers 3-4 days a week year round 4500-5500 i use #10 HI-catch its good and cheep i respool 1 time a year or when ever i get frays along the line so far this year its been 1 time due to removing 5-6 yards from frays if in doubt change it dont get poped off due to a few bucks :spank:
Well, after several hours making phone calls, I was able to track down a certain manufacturer’s service center in California. Thankfully, they agreed to send out my needed parts. These were left over...
You would think I would know this!