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Thread: Sweet and Savory Stuffed Pork Chops

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Sweet and Savory Stuffed Pork Chops

    Sweet and Savory Stuffed Pork Chops
    Fried Langostino
    Smoked Smashed Taters
    Roasted Tandoori Cauliflower with Cilantro Tahini Yogurt Sauce

    Sweet and Savory Stuffed Pork Chops
    Picked up some extra thick pork chop from Costco, and this time I decided to stuff them.
    I wanted a nice sweet and savory stuffing, so I picked up some apples and bacon too.

    Butterfly the pork chops

    These are huge chops, have make a lot of stuffing
    Dice 2C sweet onion, 1C celery and 2C cooked bacon, saute in 1-1/2 sticks of butter and approx 2T salt
    Add in 4C diced apple and then 1-1/4C brown sugar
    Let the sugar just start to caramelize and the add 1-1/2C Panko crumbs
    Mix well and add in 1/4C finely minced parsley
    Cool thoroughly

    Stuff the chops
    chillinfish, jollymon and travis like this.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

  2. #2
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    Smoke over Apple or Cherry, I used Cherry

    Then finish on the grill

    Can I get a "Heck Yeah!"

    Fried Langostino
    Dredge Langostino in seasoned flour and flash fry them
    chillinfish, jollymon and travis like this.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

  3. #3
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    Smoked Smashed Taters
    I've made these before but had completely forgot about them till [USER=200021]@zippy12[/USER] posted his up
    Had to make some, oh yeah!
    Thanks [USER=200021]@zippy12[/USER]

    Roasted Tandoori Cauliflower with Cilantro Tahini Yogurt Sauce
    Decided to try a new cauliflower recipe, a Middle Eastern recipe.
    It was good but only my eldest son and I really liked it, all the rest thought the flavors too strange.
    Recipe here, https://www.theendlessmeal.com/roast...r/print/27853/

    Cooked picture seems to have been deleted, sorry
    chillinfish, jollymon and travis like this.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

  4. #4
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    The Money Shots

    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.



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