I know there have been a lot of attempts and some successes in cooking the less desirable fish that guys (and gals) usually throw back- pinfish, pigfish, remora, hard tails, etc. I've eaten hard tails and pinfish, and while they weren't amazing, they were certainly edible. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for canning these edible accidental catches. Some species don't can well for whatever reason. However, there have been days when I'm sure I could've filled a few dozen jars with pinfish and hard tails. Experiments can be fun... Sometimes.
A lot of folks (in some areas) turn up their nose at white bass (aka sand bass) and white perch- but if you fillet them, (pint jar) can them with a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of olive oil, and 1/4 tsp of salt for 100 minutes at ten lbs pressure- you may never buy or eat canned tuna again. It's really good. I don't even trim out the red meat, its still good this way.