a woman and here two young children are waiting in an airport, waiting for their father and husband to arrive. the husband/father finally arrives and walks through the gate, he sees his wife and kids, drops everything, and rushes toward them. in a shower of hugs and kisses a stranger walks past and says ''man, you guys must be newly-weds, how long have you two been married?'' the husband replies ''16 years''. the stranger says ''you must have been gone awhile'' , the husband repies ''yes, a whole three days!''. the stranger says ''man, i hope my marrage is that strong after 16 years!'' the husband looks the stranger in the eye and says '' don't wish, make it happen.'' people always hope for the best in life, but few ever pursue the best of things. the moral of this story is ''don't hope, make it happen'' i heard that on the radio the other day and loved it hope some of y'all will too!