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    I Want to Kill a Deer

    That is all. I have only been hunting once, and only shot a gun twice. In fact, the last time I went (back in the 90's) I put the shells in the shotgun backwards. I thought they were hard to get in. Never got to shoot the gun that day, so dont know what would have happened.

    Anyway, I would like to kill a buck, since I love Deer sausage. My grandfather (passed away) has an assortment of shotguns and rifles, although I have no idea what any of them are. So, I think I have a gun to use.

    When I play Halo, my weapon of choice is the sniper rifle, so I think it would be fun to use a rifle with a scope in real life.

    So....where do you go to shoot deer?

  2. #2
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    I saw a NICE doe last week crossing Co Rd 2 at the entrance to the state park.
    Maybe they would let you use that little building as a shooting house? :guns:

    +1 on deer sausage! :eat:
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  3. #3
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    drive down highway 85 between Crestview and niceville about 85 MPH at about 2 AM and morning with the lights off!!!!! you will kill a deer!!!!

  4. #4
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    Bubba now that was funny lmao, I wish I had all them guns, lost all of my grandfathers between tornadoes and everything else. I'm in need of a good rifle for hunting preferably a 30-30 or a 30-06. I'm much in the same situation but I have a bit more shooting experience and firearm know how. First thing you need to do is learn more about hunting and shooting. OutdoorAlabama has quite a bit info, and there is a free online course at besafehunter.org that you can take to learn much of the basics. Then take your rifle of choice, and take it to a good gun shop and have it cleaned and checked out. Learn about it, and be sure to get the right ammo and cleaning gear. Then you can take it up to the range, only decent outdoor one I know of down here is Styx River, right off of I-10. http://www.styxrivershootingcenter.com/

    I need to head up there soon too. Print some targets off the outdooralabama site for practice if you head up there. Get there early if you go, it gets crowded pretty quick especially on the weekend.

    aldeer.com has some forums that may help too. Its just a lot to take in.

    Can't offer much on where to go, most people have land or hunting lease kind of things, but there are hunting clubs and other places that offer deer hunting for a fee. Let me know if you find anywhere for a decent price. That's all I can offer. Good luck, hope you get you one.
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  5. #5
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    Bubba, one of the first rules of deer hunting is keep you weapon handy at all times. When nature calls, have your weapon where you can reach it, I killed a wall hanger will taking care of business in Conecuh County years ago. They will appear out of nowhere at the most inopportune times.
    If you are going to use a rifle with a scope, get someone that knows what they are doing to help you get it zeroed.
    If you have a friend who is a member of a hunting club, try to go with them as a guest. Hunting club land is usually way safer than hunting on public land. If there is still such a thing as pubic hunting land?

  6. #6
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    Bubba, I have a rifle you are more than welcome to use if you find a place to go hunting. I also will be glad to teach you how to shoot it, as well as proper safety and care of the gun. As for the hunting area, I can't really help you with the killing portion. I haven't seen a deer where I hunt in two years and the biggest deer I have ever killed is a 5 point. Its really a shame because my wife's second trip hunting she killed a 9 poinit. But I can guarntee one of the rifles I have won't miss and where ever you put the cross hairs it will put it there.

  7. #7
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    Handling a weapon is fundamental. If you bring your grandfather's arsenal into a gun shop, gunsmith or even a good pawnshop, they would be able to tell you what you have and what may be suitable for deer hunting and give the weapons a going over to make certain everything is up to snuff. Don't overlook using a shotgun under certain instances. If you have a .22 Long Rifle, by all means get it up and shooting, since it is an economical gun to train with. You can get in more practice at $0.05/round ammo than $1.20/round. Don't strive for perfection in marksmanship, competent is good enough for hunting.

    As far as hunting is concerned, that's a tough one. It takes years of field experience in observing habits of wildlife to truly claim to be a hunter, but you can always get lucky as many do. There is a world of information available on the web, videos, TV shows, magazines etc. The problem with all this info is that it is 95% or more market based BS. Finding good information amongst all the crap is hard.

    I work among wildlife year round and know what they do and when they do it. I could stack deer up like cord wood if I so desired, but lucky for them I could care less. I could also go on in volumes about truths in wildlife from snakes to hogs to deer and even alligators that would go against common beliefs, but I won't at this time. I will add a bit of advice, think downhill. When deer are pressured their normal response is to flee downhill if possible. Also look up the word, covert. Understand the word as it relates to you being stealth, but also understand the noun form of the word as it relates to wildlife cover and terrain/environment. Good luck.

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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    Let me see what I can do Bubba I can probably put you on a deer :headbang:

  9. #9
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    Bubba, I don't know your age but if you were born after Aug. 1, 1977 you will have to take a hunters safety course and with the experience you don't have it would probably be a good idea to take a course on hunters safety.

  10. #10
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    Re: I Want to Kill a Deer

    ^^^ I was born April 9th, 1977. But, I agree a safety course is in order.



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