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Thread: Penn Battle Tear Down....

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Penn Battle Tear Down....

    Alright well poor abused penn battle was telling me it needed a cleaning in a bad way. No way I'm spending the money to send it off so off I went to take it all apart, clean, grease and oil and reassemble. Still need to to the bail assembly but that is on the list.

    First thing you do: Remove the handle, hold rotor rotate clockwise to remove.
    Then comes the Spool Cap, remove and set aside.
    Pull off the spool now and we're ready to get started.

    There's really 2 different ways to pull it all apart but really doesn't matter where you start.
    I removed the screws on the sideplate and bottom cover next. (There's a 5th screw under this cover. ) This will allow you access to the gears, and you can start to pull it all apart.
    First thing to do is remove the little screw that holds the spindle into the oscillating slide, this will allow you to then pull out the entire spindle.

    Remove the slide.
    Next remove the main gear. If you can take a marker and mark all the gears where they are, this will help continue the same wear pattern and help keep the reel smooth.
    Then remove the oscillating gear, set aside.
    next you want to get on to removing the rotor cup, you remove the nut retainer ring screw, pop out the retainer, then you have room to take the nut off and gently remove the rotor.
    Now to get to the pinion gear you have to take off the cover to the anti-reverse. Be careful not to lose any of these little screws. Once the cover is off you can lift the whole unit including all the bearings out. Take special note how all this goes together, its important when putting it back together.

    Now I do go ahead and take off the bearing on the axle but to do that you have to remove a tiny C clip that holds it on there. Hold onto it when popping it off or it'll go flying.

    From there you can go ahead and put all your bearings aside and start washing all the parts when warm water and soap. I like to let them dry over night before reassembling. You can use a hairdryer to dry them though if you don't want to wait.

    Once everything is dry, I grease up everything with some good synthetic marine grease, and oil all the bearings, and put it all back together.
    Note that you have one bearing on inside of that main gear so its easier to put that in first. First I reassemble the pinion, and all the bearings and put them back on. Note the tiny plastic tube piece that goes right under the pinion gear and sits on the little ring piece below it.
    Next I put the main gear back in place, then I wiggle in the oscillating gear slip it into place.
    Next the slide goes back on.
    Then I go ahead and reattach the rotor, be careful the tolerances are really close and one loose screw will make it start rubbing and catching. Don't for the nut retainer.
    Then you slide back in the axle, adjust it into the slide and put the screw back in. (they use a little blue loctite here so I did too. )
    Then you can put back on the side plate, and replace the screws.
    Then put back on the little cover plate on the bottom.
    Replace the spool, spool cap, and handle and you get 'er a try and pray you didn't lose any pieces. Should be good to go.
    Last edited by tofer; 06-28-2015 at 04:52 PM. Reason: Fix pics
    firemansam likes this.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to tofer For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
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    Re: Penn Battle Tear Down....

    I have a penn btl8000, this post will come in handy. Thanks!

  4. #3
    Junior Member
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    May 2015
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    Great post. Just got 2 6000.



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