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Thread: Catching Ghost Shrimp

  1. #1
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    Catching Ghost Shrimp

    Can Ghost Shrimp be caught using a Sand Flea rake or are they too deep?
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  2. #2
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    Need a sucker, 2 different type baits....you tube you will see
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  3. #3
    Dufus Tourist
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    Quote Originally Posted by witler View Post
    Can Ghost Shrimp be caught using a Sand Flea rake or are they too deep?
    Too deep-usually. Build a couple of slurp guns or buy one at J&M. It's kind of sad to stand next to people using ghost shrimp who are piling up sheepshead by their coolers and you don't have any or have a way to get any.

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  5. #4
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    I need to find a young, energetic friend who is not too smart and is willing to suck up ghost shrimp for me. My back is good for maybe two dozen slurps before visions of bed rest and powerful pills start dancing in my head, and I really don't like either one of those in spite of my reputation.
    chillinfish, eym_sirius and Rich1 like this.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haywire View Post
    I need to find a young, energetic friend who is not too smart and is willing to suck up ghost shrimp for me. My back is good for maybe two dozen slurps before visions of bed rest and powerful pills start dancing in my head, and I really don't like either one of those in spite of my reputation.
    one of the videos on you tube suggested making a second one just for that, a curious tourist that might be intrigued and want to try and help
    Thats what i was going to do if I bought a 10ft piece of pvc....but found free pieces just long enoughfor one.....so all on my own.....just need Mr. #R to give up his honey holes for slurping, with not much searching....
    Or just stick to spanish & kings, never really messed with shrimp besides fresh dead or fiddler crabs
    chillinfish likes this.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironman172 View Post
    one of the videos on you tube suggested making a second one just for that, a curious tourist that might be intrigued and want to try and help
    Thats what i was going to do if I bought a 10ft piece of pvc....but found free pieces just long enoughfor one.....so all on my own.....just need Mr. #R to give up his honey holes for slurping, with not much searching....
    Or just stick to spanish & kings, never really messed with shrimp besides fresh dead or fiddler crabs
    Actually, there really haven't been that many days where I was totally outfished by ghost shrimp users. Yes, they have caught more than me, but most folks can do that with one finger stuck in their navel. I'll stick with store bought live shrimp. I doesn't look like the sheepshead bite is going to last very long this spring anyhow.
    chillinfish likes this.

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  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironman172 View Post
    one of the videos on you tube suggested making a second one just for that, a curious tourist that might be intrigued and want to try and help
    Thats what i was going to do if I bought a 10ft piece of pvc....but found free pieces just long enoughfor one.....so all on my own.....just need Mr. #R to give up his honey holes for slurping, with not much searching....
    Or just stick to spanish & kings, never really messed with shrimp besides fresh dead or fiddler crabs
    You do get a lot of curiosity from fellow tourists who want to "help" when the water is nice and warm. Ghost shrimp are very easy to find unlike sandfleas. They are literally everywhere from just off the beach at high tide to past the sandbar. The holes and mounds of sand give them away. The trick is to get to them at low tide and calm surf. They seem to be nearer the surface at night although you need some help either holding the light, the bucket or the net. And besides there are man eating three headed sea monsters in the surf at night. I'm sure that thing that brushed against my foot and made me scream like a little girl that one night was at least 20 feet long. Could have been a little ray or skate. Or a giant sea serpent. Haywire is not kidding about the bending over. I'm 51 but my back is closer to 89. It can be as easy as getting a big egg laden female every other slurp or getting a small one every 30 slurps.
    travis, jollymon, Geno and 1 others like this.

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