Hey all, just an FYI, Ive made ghost shrimp pumps for a few folks now and I've decided I'll start selling them to anyone who wants one. As a lot of you know, ghost shrimp seem to work when nothing else does and free bait is the best of all!! I can make them in any length you want with either a T handle or L handle, which ever you prefer. Up to "36 will cost you $27.50 Anything longer we'll have to discuss,,,,,, LOL They are all made of Sch 40 pvc and have an adjustable stopper in the end. If you want to check one out, mine is usually on my cart when I'm out on the pier on Wednesdays and Sundays. If you let me know you want one before Sunday night, I can usually have them ready by Wednesday. Customization is always available, names, college logos, designs etc. Price for that will just depend on what you want and please understand, that it may also delay your delivery. Thanks for reading and just PM me with any questions or if you want to order some.

