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  1. #1
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    Where do the fish go when the water gets rough?

    Where do the fish go when the water gets rough like this?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Where do the fish go when the water gets rough?

    I guess it depends on what fish your talking about. I don't think its so much it being rough, but it being muddy. I did hear they have been killing the kings a few miles offshore right now. Not sure on the other stuff.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Where do the fish go when the water gets rough?

    Yeah, different species of fish react to rough/muddy conditions similarly as they might to changes from daylight to dark.
    But sooner or later they still have to eat to survive.
    IF anglers are willing and able to adapt to the conditions and available species they can still be successful at catching.

    There are a LOT of examples:
    I understand mackerel school up tighter in dark or dingy conditions and may move farther offshore.
    The opposite of that might be when days are 'too sunny' and still (HOT) and they tend to stay farther offshore in 'cooler' water.

    Maybe we could use this thread to answer specific questions about specific species?
    (RETIRED) mostly.
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