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  1. #1
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    Tide Changes, hi/lo

    We will be down in mid-July and I was checking the tide table. It seems that high tide will be from 10:00am to 2:00pm approx. during our week. How is fishing when high tide is during the 'hot hours' of the day?

  2. #2
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Generally fishing (catching) slows down during the middle of the day, coincidentally as the tidal forces slow down near flood tide.
    Maybe it's a 1-2 punch to the fish?
    IMHO it's as much from the sun angle being so high in the sky, as the water temp more than a few feet down from the surface is only slowly affected by the diurnal heating of the air.

    Some species aren't as affected as others (kings seem to be VERY light sensitive, some species of jacks not as much so).



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