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  1. #1
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    Storage near pier

    Going to be at caribe for spring break would like a place to store rods near caribe or pier. It a pain toting rods up and down elevators . Any help thanks.

  2. #2
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    Re: Storage near pier

    I understand your problem because as a temporary visitor I bring whatever I dream that I might need to the coast, but after I get there it is not all used. I bring too much tackle every trip because I cannot really decide what might be useful.

    Storing tackle safely is not as much pain as fishing with empty hands. Your room is safer for now. A vehicle with a closed trunk is safer than a back seat or a van/hatchback, and don't even think of using a roof rack or pickup bed. There are piers that rent a handful of rod/gear lockers at the pier, but I don't recall that option on the new pier.

    After the first trip out on the pier, you should be able to thin the herd on what needs to be carried and what is optional. For example, you might bring nothing but king/ling rods at some times of the year, but this time of year the odds of needing them are lower (although as sure as you take none, the first ling of the year will circle the pier chanting "loser" at you). oke1:

  3. #3
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    Re: Storage near pier

    Ive done both toted up to room and left in truck cab but its tough on the longer rods. Was just hoping for another options. There are a few storage places on canal rd but thats too far out of the way.

  4. #4
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    Re: Storage near pier

    heck when I come I bring for the pier and offshore....but one or the other stays in the condo.....room for them is made one way or the other....and 8-9ft rods don't make it through door way in the pier cart(only when switching out)a few places we have stayed had ground floor storage for beach items and I guess fishing rods .....some stay in the travel tube in the van, most of the time a secured parking lot and kinda hidden in the van



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