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  • 17 Post By DAN S II
  • 4 Post By Pier#r
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Thread: So Long For Now

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    So Long For Now

    With mixed emotions I must tell all that the wife and I have moved back to Ocean Springs MS We just felt that overall there is more for us here of what we enjoy in life now and can do so we just pulled the trigger and moved So far it's working out very well Right now with the summer heat I just get up every morning and go play poker Get feed free breakfast and lunch and dinner if I like and so far just collect money doing something I thoroughly enjoy If I do want to go fishing I just come home and catch speckle trout white trout and shrimp off the docks at the condo or drop the boat down on the lift outside my back door and ride 10 minutes to oyster reefs that almost guarantee fish Doesn't get much better than that The one thing I really regret in leaving Gulf Shores is the Pier and the Pier Family I have fished all over for many years and never have I experienced anything like the Gulf States Pier The people that are regulars on that pier and those that fish it are without a doubt some of the finest people I have ever had the pleasure of associating with I simply can not say enough about it Never have I seen such diversity come together so much for the common good and enjoyment of all If we could only export this to the rest of society this world would be a much better place to live in So Ladies and Gentlemen my hat is off to you Cherish what you have and I hope you see you some in the Fall

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to DAN S II For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Y'all will be missed Dan!
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  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Pier#r For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
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    Dan, i will say hello when i see you around there.
    I spend my fishing time (other than once a year at Orange beach) around Pascagula/Ocean Springs and Biloxi. There are nice folks there too,good easy fishing, plus the back country is still unspoiled up the Pascagula river area.No Gill netters to push my blood pressure up either. Ocean Springs is nice and artsy. If you have not done so go on the reserve /marsh cruise out of Moss Point Audubon park up the Pascagula and get to learn its ways. Mama will like that tour too.
    The GSPP is special and one of a kind though.
    bodebum likes this.

  6. #4
    Senior Member
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    Sorry to see ya go Dan. I'll miss you on the pier, but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do...Good luck friend.



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