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  1. #1
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    New stratagy thoughts

    I will be making another trip down soon, and would like to try a new combo, I am thinkin a 7'11" duckett rod med/hvy and a Calcutta 200 bait-caster spooled with 8lb braid, I know most dont like braid but I want a light combo this trip and need the capacity of the braid. Is this a feasible combo?

  2. #2
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    unless you are used to and good with fishing braid, you are going to have alot of breakoffs, and make alot of local people mad.

  3. #3
    DRH is offline
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    The fact most don't like to fish next to somebody else fishing with braid aside, the problem I see is feeding the fish. If the fish would decrease in speed or make a sudden change of direction while you have your reel free-spooling...instant backlash. A backlash in light line means that you're more than likely doomed before the fight gets started. However, you may be able to fish with the spool engaged and the drag set very lightly, then tighten the drag once you're ready to set the hook. I think it would be easier to do with a lever drag conventional, but not entirely impossible with a star drag reel.

  4. #4
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    Put on 25-50 yards of Mono top shot and you'll be fine.

    If you get braid as your main line, however, make sure to get something smooth so it doesn't burn people off--such as Power Pro Super Slick 8, or the new Berkley Nanofil.

  5. #5
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    Thanks for the pointers, I actually plan on wearing a glove and having the drag set real light so if i need to slow it down I can do it with my thumb whilst I tighten the drag, so do not intend to free spool actually never have off the pier. As for the tips on the braid itself thank you, I have always had good luck with PP so I will prolly go check it out. I will be bringin my normal rigs with me also in case this does not work as planned lol.

  6. #6
    DRH is offline
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    A glove? Come on man, you haven't thought this out or you've thought it out too much in the wrong direction. First any attempt to slow a king on its initial run by thumbing a reel's spool regardless of whether the reel is a spinner or a conventional is a big mistake. Second your Calcutta has next to nothing of an exposed rim on the spool. This means that you'll be thumbing the top layer of line and if the top layer stays still while the spool continues to spin underneath...well you do the math. Finally a glove will ruin your sense of feel. If you're going to overcome the first two obstacles of thumbing a spool, having the ability to feel and the experience to adjust to the feel is imperative.

  7. #7
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    [quote author=DRH link=topic=1348.msg12939#msg12939 date=1339624138]
    A glove? Come on man, you haven't thought this out or you've thought it out too much in the wrong direction. First any attempt to slow a king on its initial run by thumbing a reel's spool regardless of whether the reel is a spinner or a conventional is a big mistake. Second your Calcutta has next to nothing of an exposed rim on the spool. This means that you'll be thumbing the top layer of line and if the top layer stays still while the spool continues to spin underneath...well you do the math. Finally a glove will ruin your sense of feel. If you're going to overcome the first two obstacles of thumbing a spool, having the ability to feel and the experience to adjust to the feel is imperative.

    Totally agree. Please listen closely to DRH's advice!

    Don't ever tighten the drag down until that fish has fished running. Even then, keep it pliable enough in case the fish wants to run again. You should have some drag... just enough to keep the line tight on the run. Tighten down once he's belly up at the pier awaiting the gaff.

  8. #8
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    Thankx for the advise, notes being taken, maybe I do overthink things sometimes.

  9. #9
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    just put the gainer drag on and give it hell !!!!!!

  10. #10
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    Re: New stratagy thoughts

    [quote author=whiskersticker link=topic=1348.msg12951#msg12951 date=1339633267]
    just put the gainer drag on and give it hell !!!!!!

    LOL Ain't that the truth!
    Like Hollis Ledlow used to yell out, "DON'T GEEVE 'EM A EEENCH!"
    (RETIRED) mostly.
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    former Pier & Shore Fishing Guide


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