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Thread: Mullet Run?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Mullet Run?

    Can someone explain the mullet run? What time of year? How many times a year? Best time of the year? My wife and I were in Gulf Shores during the 3rd week of August last year and I was surf fishing and there were schools of fish breaking the surface of the water. They seemed to come around at different times and did not seem to be bothered by swimmers in the water.

    Do they run in May?

  2. #2
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    Mullet are schooling fish. You see them more in the warmer months because they're closer to the surface and sometimes form really big schools because big fish are trying to eat them.

    It's a bit dangerous for people to swim amongst schooling fish. If you've seen a shark feeding frenzy you know what I'm talking about!

  3. #3
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Yes, we see them (some) around the pier and along the beaches in May (and all summer for that matter).
    The 'fall run' (aka "roe mullet run") is when they gather prior to spawning.
    Schools used to stretch the length of one or two football fields and cover the surface from the beach to the longshore sandbar.
    Then came the netters
    eym_sirius, bodebum and pokenfish like this.



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