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Thread: Heron Release

  1. #1
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Heron Release

    Kudos to Orange Beach Wildlife Center and Management Program for the successful capture and release of an entangled great blue heron on the pier today!

    Checkout the capture video @ https://www.facebook.com/OBWildlife/...0848989860534/
    Well I’m sure this rescue looked like nothing short of a comedy routine! Earlier today we got the call about a great blue heron entangled in fishing line on the gulf state park pier. We knew this rescue would be tricky. with it being on the pier, the fact that the bird could still fly and that we likely had one shot before the bird suspected us. One thing we did not consider, is that the rain made the pier slick. After the net was fired we all took turns falling while running after the heron. Thankfully my filming skills are poor and I didn’t capture all of our gracefulness on camera. This capture was successful due to the efforts of volunteer, Jim Brown and interns @farren dell and Thomas Rossman II
    Look for the pictures in the comments and the release video!
    and the release video @ https://www.facebook.com/OBWildlife/...0853079860125/
    Heron release!! See the previous post for the capture.We might have been as uncoordinated as they come, but it got the job done!
    This great blue heron had a hook embedded in his/her leg and fishing line wrapped around its foot. We were able to get the hook out and remove the line. This heron was lucky, not all get this happy ending. Let’s do our part by not feeding wildlife, and properly disposing of bait and fish carcasses, and fishing gear.
    Great release, Jim Brown!
    jollymon, benhunts, Geno and 3 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
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    Good job!!
    "Something which threatens your life is a problem, everything else is an inconvenience."

    Paul "Home Run" Richert
    21 January 1966 - 04 November 2005
    Rest in peace Brother



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