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  1. #1
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    Help Needed - Fishing Line!!!

    OK, so I spend all my weekends on the pier (literally 30+ hours on Saturdays and Sundays), and while I have learned ALOT (thanks to my Pier friends), I need some advice on fishing line. Does it really matter what color I use. I use Trilene Big Game 20 lb (Flourecent Green) because it is easier to see where my line is and I have been really sucessful with catching all kinds of fish. I have a hard time casting lures though. I can not get any kind of distance on lures. I was thinking about dropping to a lighter weight and possibly braid for my lures. Does the color of line really matter? I like the blue braid that David uses on his reels (and I know how locals are not fond of braid due to the mess it can cause, but I really need to find a lighter line to cast my lures). Any and all help is greatly appreciated! :fishing:
    Here Pishy Pishy! (They like it when you talk sexy to 'em!)

  2. #2
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    Re: Help Needed - Fishing Line!!!

    1st off, WELCOME to the forum ELAINA! :yay:

    It's easy to see how 20# line would not throw a light lure very well.
    I can tell the difference between 15# and 10#, so using 20# must be frustrating.
    Your best bets are to step up to a heavier lure, or scale back your line size.
    Braid sounds like a good option because it's smaller diameter should help you with casting distance.
    The main issue I've seen and heard from other anglers about braid on the pier is with folks who use it for kingfishing (freelining or snobbling) and then let it drift with the current or wind to tangle others. :

    For your purpose (lure casting), using braid may be a good solution.
    Have you talked to David, or Jim or Tyler or anybody else who uses it for that purpose to get their input?
    Their advise should help you decide what brand, weight, color, etc. you want to get the most out of your inve$tment in that line.

    And line color sure does make a difference, but I would say usually more so to the fisherperson than to the fish ;-)
    I know I have a VERY difficult time seeing red line and the darker braids, but I don't see where their use increases the number of bites for the anglers using them.
    A LOT of good fish are caught on the 'high vis' green line, maybe just as many as any other, but it sure helps the other anglers to see it and know what to do to get out of the way of it.

    Anyway, good question! :headbang:
    And good luck!! :fishing:
    (RETIRED) mostly.
    Now part-time outdoor writer,
    former Pier & Shore Fishing Guide



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