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Thread: Fishing Trip to Gulf Shores in March- HELP

  1. #1
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    Fishing Trip to Gulf Shores in March- HELP

    I am new here and to this addiction, so be gentle...
    I am headed to Gulf Shores the last week of March 2014. I would like to tap into the collective knowledge on this forum. (and if the information is already buried in a different thread, just let me know and I'll find it because I am already looking)
    Here is a quick list of what I would like to know.

    What will be biting-

    Where should I go - I plan on surf and pier and maybe bridge fishing.

    When is the best time (high or low tide)-

    How should I fish for what's biting (bait/lure/?)

    What sort of gear should I use?

    I would also be interested in a good guide service for pier/surf fishing if it would be worth while.

    I currently have a soon to be magged Penn 209 on a 9' Eagle Claw Med-Heavy action pole
    Senator 3/0 on a Tsunami 10' Surf rod
    Penn 200 Surfmaster on a unmarked 10' surf rod

    I would like to use what I have, but Chrismas is coming up...

    I know I am asking for a lot, but there is just so much to know.

    Last edited by Extra_Medium; 11-18-2013 at 08:03 PM. Reason: formatting

  2. #2
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    So far I have time with Pier#r added to the top of my list!
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  3. #3
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    What about fishing for shark? I don't expect that chumming would be ok, so I would not do that.

  4. #4
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    Welcome to the pier forum Extra_Medium!
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  5. #5
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    Couple of quick points---Shark fishing is not allowed from the pier and you are not allowed to land a shark anywhere on the Gulf Shores/Orange Beach or State Park beaches---$500 fine. The tackle you listed may serve you well for surf fishing, but you will find the rods unwieldy on the pier---most experienced fishermen go with 8' or shorter, and spinning tackle is preferred because it's easier to cast into the wind and you don't need heavy lures. Conventional tackle works well, but spinning seems to be better. A reel with a smooth drag capable of holding 300 yards of 15# mono is an excellent place to start. If you can get to J&M tackle as soon as you get here, they can fix you up with exactly what you need according to your budget. All the folks who work there are fishermen and know what they're talking about and what works best in this area.

    Keep using the search feature. It is your friend, and you can find the answers to all your questions. Hope I get to meet you when you're fishing the pier, but that's spring turkey season and I run into some serious conflicts then.

    Hiring Pier#r is the best move you can possibly make.

  6. #6
    Old Fart
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    Welcome aboard E_M! Booking Pier#r is the best way to started, you won’t regret it.
    Here is a link that has some good general pier info. on the Pier Fishing Questions Board

    Go to the Pier Fishing Reports Board and checkout the March reports for the past couple seasons
    Pages 13, 14 and 15 contain fishing reports for March 2013
    Pages 30 and 31 contain fishing reports for March 2012

    You should get all the help you need after a little research and just asking questions.

  7. #7
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    So what are you supposed to do if you accidentally catch a little shark while fishing for pompano or Whiting? I will be there in July. Never been there either.

  8. #8
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    What will be biting-
    Spanish Mackerel

    Where should I go - I plan on surf and pier and maybe bridge fishing.

    The GSPPier offers all 3
    Perdido Pass is good too

    When is the best time (high or low tide)-

    Yes ;-)

    How should I fish for what's biting (bait/lure/?)

    Whiting = dead shrimp
    Sheepshead = live shrimp
    Spanish Mackerel = lures (jigs)

    What sort of gear should I use?

    Medium tackle (8#-12#) is prefered

    What about fishing for shark?

    Most importantly don't try to land a shark on a swimming beach.
    That would be asking for trouble, but they aren't out there looking to bust folks for wanting a 'good pull' ;-)
    Welcome to the forum!
    Hope this helps!!
    Extra_Medium likes this.
    (RETIRED) mostly.
    Now part-time outdoor writer,
    former Pier & Shore Fishing Guide

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Extra_Medium View Post
    What about fishing for shark? I don't expect that chumming would be ok, so I would not do that.
    Welcome Extra_Medium.
    These are a pretty good bunch of guys.
    I'm just a lurker here most of the time. And mostly a beach caster. I do venture out on a pier form time to time.

    If you have a 6ft heavy rod with a 9/0 spiked on the beach and a kayak for yaking out 5 lb tuna heads. Your going to get busted for shark fishing.
    If your casting out baits with a big long steel leader you might be shark fishing.
    If you have a bite leader and it looks like your fishing for drum you might catch a shark.

    I'm a conventional guy too. The last time I was down there I pulled out a 12ft Star Stellar with an Akios 656 SCM and nobody was impressed at all. But did not really need it.
    I've got some on the cheap too with a 500 Penn Jigmaster and an 11ft Diawa Sealine.
    What I own I bought second hand.
    Not that I don't own a few spinners too.
    I've got a 6000 Penn Battle and these guys acted like it was a worthless little reel. Maybe it is, but 20lbs of drag and 300 yards of line is going to get you some fish. You have to have a Stella or a Stardic here to make any waves.
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  10. #10
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    I stood in your shoe this time last year. Read and search here in the realm of the Internet. I have learned much but know nothing compared to others. I have said it once and will say it again. Forum great bunch of on here and in person. Pier#r worth every penny. Put all this together with some good weather equals the trip of a lifetime......

    1. You can get your license online before you go down and they allow you to enter the dates you will be fishing.
    2. I found basic stuff like treble hooks and sinker cheaper at home than there. Everything else I got at jm's
    3. A lot of good places to eat. But the cheapest place around for grocery was Walmart.
    4. If your not fishing get up every morning walk down to the beach and take in the view. I never thought that something so simple could be so great.
    5. Spend the rest of your life trying figure out how not to every leave.


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