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Thread: Fishing from beach

  1. #1
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    Fishing from beach

    Will be staying at Ft Morgan in May- what lb test do I need to use on surf rods ?- hook size ?...

  2. #2
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    I like 15lb-17lb mono with a 20lb flouro leader. I've tried 12lb but it just has too much stretch when casting heavier baits/weight. I do use 12 when casting close for smaller fish like whiting.

    Depending on which setup I use like Carolina rig with a no roll sinker, I will use the heavier lines. If I use smaller lines I put the sinker at the bottom of the rig and use a double uni to attach line to leader. If you're familiar with a sabiki rig, that's kinda what it looks like when I fish for whiting-minus all the hooks.

  3. #3
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    You will find that the lightest line that will catch the fish you seek casts best from the beach. 15 lb would be fine if you have sone skill in fighting fish up to 50. Most "dinner fish" will be large mouth bass size range, although they fight well for the size. In many cases, the fish will be at your feet, or just past closest breakers. They feed in the turbulence when their food is stirred up. The "size" of the hook is a misleading term. A size 4 or 2 hook is often enough, but it needs to be sturdy (see above on 15 lb line). Bigger baits will require bigger hooks, as when you chuck out a whiting head for bull reds on a big circle hook. A hook to hide a thumbnail size piece of fresh shrimp is often sufficient. Ground mullet and whiting have small mouths.
    Haywire and bodebum like this.

  4. #4
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    Me, I like to use lighter line, 10# or 12# for surf fishing. There aren't any stumps out there and you can let your big redfish run until he's tired. Not as much drag from the current, either. Snake and midwesttextile know whereof they speak and gave good advice. I also like to use pyramid sinkers in one or two ounce size depending on the surf, that way if I take an old man's nap, I won't wake up to find my bait washed up on shore. I prefer a light leader for pompano and whiting, but will go to 20# or 30# for redfish. If a shark does bite, I want him to cut the line as soon as possible so I can get back to fishing for more desirable species. The kahle style hook is very popular in #4 and #2 for pomps and whiting, and larger size for reds, but on one memorable afternoon I caught five bull reds over 15# in the surf using pompano tackle---#4 hook and 10# test. I have a witness.

    Surf fishing can be like bass fishing in that you are looking for "structure" in the form of deep troughs next to the beach, cuts through the outer bar and places where the outer bar comes in close enough to put your bait on the facing slope. A couple of sand spikes to hold your rods are important, and remember to loosen your drag so you won't have to watch your rig get dragged into the Gulf if a big fish pulls it over.

    Good fishing.

  5. #5
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    Try using 10-20lb braid, it's small diameter will increase your casting distance. Most pier fishermen shy away from braid because of the problems it can cause when lines cross, but that normally won't happen when fishing from the beach as there is plenty of space. One precaution you should take if using braid or small diameter mono is a long shock leader, so long that you grab it with your finger when casting (Assuming you're using spinning gear.) The larger diameter line will roll off of your finger while the thinner lines are more likely to cut when you make a mistake.
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  6. #6
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    I appreciate all th help very much!!!

  7. #7
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    For whiting, I like 8# medium spinning tackle, 1/4 oz egg sinker, small black swivel, short leader & #4 baitholder hook with fresh shrimp chunks.
    The whiting will be from right at your feet to out on the first bar. No need to cast as far as you can. Might catch a pompano as well.
    bodebum and Haywire like this.

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  8. #8
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    Oh, don't forget some PVC pipe cut in about 2' lengths to hold your rods, a bucket for tackle, pliers, knife, towel, measuring stick & a small cooler for bait & fish.
    bodebum likes this.

    Life is too short to drink bad beer.

    Disclaimer: This post and/or report is not a substantiation of or reflection on the true accuracy of the present stock assessment methods. It is only an anecdotal report on or comment concerning local observations. Your results may vary.

  9. #9
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    When we are surf fishing at Ft. Morgan, we are using 6#, 8#, and 10# test, with 10# fluorocarbon leader. My sweet and lovely wife has landed redfish and black drums on her 8# outfit that have been more 15#. It is hard on the fish, though, to have to fight that long. We target whiting, pomps, anf flounder.
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  10. #10
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    Great info everyone !



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