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  • 1 Post By eym_sirius

Thread: First time at Gulf Shores

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    First time at Gulf Shores

    My family is headed down to Gulf Shores the week of July 10th and are wanting to try and fish. We will be staying on the beach and would like to try surf fishing. I wanted to know what kind of fishing equipment to bring? I have surf rods and regular rods. Would like to catch trout or reds. Also would really like to try the pier.



  2. #2
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    CoachLew - As you might imagine, the same question gets asked all the time. The answer is pretty complex, because it involves tackle, bait, rigging, and other valuable information. Few people who target redfish and speckled trout post here regularly and the ones that do have answered this same question to the point of saturation. Everything that you need to know about fishing in the surf or on the pier for speckled trout and redfish is in the archives. You only need to go to the search box in the upper right corner of this page and you'll be able to read up on everything you'd ever want to know on the subjects. Everything, including line size, hook size, rod size, reel types, etc - for surf fishing and for pier fishing. It's good that you have targeted certain species. That will help set your search parameters! Remember to include in your search the REPORTS from previous years in the week that you'll be fishing. You'll be amazed at all that you'll find! Good reading!
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for your help. I will definitely look that up.

    Thanks again,




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