Just got back to Texas. It was a rainy week. Got to meet Slim and Sunshine out on the Octi. First day my son landed a huge flounder in the Lagoon on some little bait fish he landed in his cast net. After that it was off to the pier for the rest of the week. First day he hooked a king or a shark. What ever it was it ran for a bit then snapped the line above the wire leader. He was getting some coaching from Slim. Thanks Slim. Not much luck after that due to getting stuck on the octi in a blinding rain storm. We went back and he wanted to stop by the bathrooms where we caught about 40 white trout which made him happy but not me because I had to clean them. Also got a few spanish and a couple of blue fish. Missed Mr. Haywire out there. Always enjoy talking to him. Did get to talk to Mr. Harley which is always fun. Didn't get to go out to Ft Morgan to shark fish but my son hooked one at the pier after he hooked a lady fish and the shark ate it so that made his day. Also saw a pretty big shark while fishing off a small dock in the Lagoon. Son said it was a hammerhead, I think it was a bull. It was right on the surface chasing bait. Until next year I'll just get my fix reading the forum.