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Thread: Crazy fishing stories

  1. #1
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    Crazy fishing stories

    I want to here about your guys unbelievable fishing stories. Like lucky catches,funny mishaps, or even that big one that got away. Basically anything crazy that happened to you while out fishing!
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  2. #2
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    It wasn't funny, but I went fishing once and didn't catch anything. Not a single fish. I know it's hard to believe, but it did happen once many years ago.

  3. #3
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    Was fishing a small rig out in the bay by Fort Morgan for some Spanish, specks, reds,..etc. Only had light tackle with 7lb test, hooked on to a 30lb jack crevelle and nearly spooled me out on the spot so we untied from the rig and chased it, and after an hour of zig zagging all over the bay it began to pour down rain. Could not see anything it was so heavy, still the fight continued, another hour later I got him within gaff distance only to have him freak out swim right around the front of the boat where the line rubbed against the boat so fast it burned the line and cut it in a matter of seconds. Probably one of the most disappointing mishap of my fishing career. 2 hours of struggling with light tackle and pouring rain for nothing...(sighs)
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  4. #4
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    I caught an alligator(briefly) fishing a top water lure. That dude was hungry, I snatched the lure 20 yrds from him and he was on top of it before I could reel the slack up.
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  5. #5
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    got a gotcha plug through the left ear lest summer....
    derekb and AustinLuke11 like this.
    "Show a man to fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, He'll eat for a lifetime"

  6. #6
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    Not as much of a "big fish" story but more of a ghost story. Right after I graduated high (2004) me and a few friends went down to the Key's and fished one of the bridge's, cant remember which one to save my life. We headed down Friday night to miss traffic and catch the outgoing tide. So we setup camp, little camp on the bridge with small stoves sleeping bags etc....... so for some to walk by us we would know. So its late and we have some baits out, caught some snapper and grouper and we bear music and see a light about 100 yards away towards the end of the pier. We all just think its other people fishing (got there at night and couldn't see if anyone was there when we got there) but there were no other cars in the lot. So we dont even think twice about it. Tide goes slack and we all rack out for a few hrs. We all get up the next morning and start catching bait and buddy of my notices that theres no one fishing at the end of the pier. Couple of use walk down and check it out and there's trash on the ground but doesn't look fresh, and no one that we know of walked by us during the night. We all think its weird but dont really think about it anymore. So we fish all day into the night again and there's been a few people on the bridge but as it gets dark we can see that there is definitely no one at the end..... so were fishing all night and again we hear music and see a bright light at the end. So this time me and 2 of my. buddies take a walk to see what it is. We get probably half way and start to say, hey, who's over there, etc.. on the keys bridges people aren't always friendly and most carry guns so we didn't want to just walk up and surprise them. So we get probably 30 yards away and the music stops and the light fades away. So we keep going and get the where we thought it was and theres nothing! We walk all the way to the end and nothing! Weirdest part about it is when we get back to our camp the guys that stayed and fished were making fun of us for for scaring that old man and woman from there fishing spot. They all said that a couple walked down from where we were while we were looking around the end of the bridge. When we told them that there wasn't anyone out there they all freaked and we all left that night. Still gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by APipkin0617 View Post
    got a gotcha plug through the left ear lest summer....
    Yea, we were on the boat fishing a rig and the rods were in the rod holders standing up and the boat rocked and hooked adam through the ear and while my stepdad was taking the hook out, i stole his spot.
    "Whether the rod is bent or not, time spent fishing is time well spent."

  8. #8
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    Do you know the difference between a fairy tale and a fish story?

    A fairy tale always begins, "Once upon a time---."

    A fish story always begins, "This ain't no sh!t, but---."

  9. #9
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    Fishing last summer on the pier with Kody K garret slaughter and jackson all there baits got eaten right after another i was on the left side of them then went to the right side then the king skied on the bait i fought him for 10 mins and got cut off at the end of the fight all this happened 20 mins after i got on the pier. we all say it was the same fish
    " I Hurt myself today to see if I still feel, I focus on the pain the only thing that's real-Johny Cash

  10. #10
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    I have a pretty good fishing story. A few years ago I went up to the pier for a day( first time ever fishing in the ocean)I just had some cheap rods and some walmart frozen cut bait and a couple gotcha plugs,and the first cast I caught a good sized red fish and after that I caught a red fish every cast so I started counting and I lost count at about 40 red fish and it seemed like no one else was catching anything ,and the next thing I knew I had a crowd of people around me just watching me and they were asking me what bait I was using and I replied frozen walmart cut bait.I probably gave 1 guy about 20 fish because I was just catching them and releasing them and he asked if he could have them and I said sure,later I realized I probably gave him more than the bag limit allowed.But that was a real good day for me.And I caught a bunch of Mackerel of of the gotcha plugs.
    tristanwhite1 likes this.


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