just getting started are cigar minnows best bait to use? :fishing:
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just getting started are cigar minnows best bait to use? :fishing:
Some days they are.. IMHO the main thing that matters is how you work the bait
If by "best" you mean most likely to produce fish consistently, I'd say yes.
Sure there are plenty of times when a live bait (of various availability), or another dead bait, or even a lure with varied presentations will outproduce cigar minnows.
But if an angler has a plentiful supply of minnows and patience (and 'decent' technique) sooner or later cigar minnows will get a mackerel strike. :headbang:
[font=comic sans ms][size=12pt]I always like to have a few cigs in the cooler just in case.
[img width=430 height=540]http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g446/finchaser1/Silly%20Stuff/idontalwaysCIGARMINNOWS.jpg[/img]
thanks but what other kind of bait would you use? :wall:
If LYs (Scaled sardines) are available, they are good to use.
[img width=463 height=277]http://www.wildflorida.com/wildlife/fish/images/Scaled_Sardine463.jpg[/img]
Spanish sardines even more so :headbang:
[img width=331 height=139]http://www.landbigfish.com/images/baitfish/SpanishSardine.jpg[/img]
Also threadfin herring.. And hard tails.. Small Spanish mackeral.. Spoons and lipped plugs... They really aren't too picky
Yep, true dat! :fishing:
I have also seen kings eat plenty of pinfish, croakers and even 'crazy fish' and an occasional Gotcha plug or Looney jig over the years, but they aren't my prefered baits for kings either ;-)
Day in and day out, IF I had to choose one thing to fish with all day...
I would buy a box of Capt Salty's from J&M :headbang:
whats capt saltys?
That's the brand name on the (blue) box of cigar minnows :headbang: