Every time I go to forum, I have to sign in even though I check remember me. My computer is set to remember passwords and does. I've checked my user settings on the forum and don't see any for saving passwords. I don't have to enter it each time on my phone. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I've cleared all the cookies, but still have to log in every time from ipad. It's fine from smart phone.
Still no help as to why my computer will not remember me on this website! Anyone please....
What browser do you run?
IE? That had caused some oddities for me until I switched to GC.
Not sure...
Thanks for the reply pounder. Unfortunately I'm not sure. I'm not to well versed on computers. If I'm answering the right question, I use google chrome and/or internet express on my home computer. I have a smart phone with god knows what and an Ipad. The ipad says safari,
and this is the one I can't log in with. Please, please, explain to me what to do if you can. This is annoying!
Thanks again for the reply...
Yes, that's it.
The web browser (or "browser") is the name of software platform we use to navigate thru the www
Google Chrome is (by far) the most popular for good reasons I suspect.
And Safari is pretty far down the list even in the Top 10...
I don't know nuthin about Ipads, but IF you can get Google Chrome loaded on it it may help solve your problems.
I had a persistent issue with IE not taking me to the first unread post in a thread (ONLY on this website), and when I switched to GC it went away.
The internet is a marvelous and strangely bizarre place sometimes ;-)