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Thread: Pictures

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    I’m building a beach cart out of a radio flyer collapsible wagon carcass and would love to start a thread showing pictures and progress. When I try to add a picture it says it’s too big. Why?

    I can’t resize,...it never works. And I’m suspicious of these resizing sites,...all they want is my info so they can spam me. And like I said,...they never work, and then even if I can resize a single picture it takes forever and then I can’t find it when it’s “resized” Useless.

    Why can’t the forum handle pictures of a “normal” size...the size everyone’s iphone and ipad camera’s take them?

    The forum traffic would increase exponentially if pictures could be added easily.

  2. #2
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    When "Bubba" set up this site in 2010, that was in place, and it functioned great until the buffer filled up.
    The pictures uploaded already have filled the folder, and there is just a little room left.
    I believe that's why we get the "file size too large" error.
    Anyway, Bubba fell away, and nowadays his interests are elsewhere.
    "Finchaser" & I reached out to him many, many times to request a 'fix', as that is way above our pay grade.

    Last year I bumped into him (just before the pier closed for reno).
    He was with his son who had gotten interested in fishing.
    I reminded him of this problem, but well, here we are...

  3. #3
    We are there! Let's go fishing!!
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    As a 'workaround' I do believe most of the image hosting sites are OK.
    You can set up a modest sized folder for FREE just by registering, or post a pic temporarily without doing so...

    Or you can do like I do and set up a page in Facebook to host your pics, then copy & paste them into the thread here...

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by Pier#r; 03-08-2021 at 09:11 AM.



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