Someone tried to access my account from an IP registered in Iran. I don't know what someone in the desert would want with an account for Gulf Shores' pier fishing forums. Is this a mistake?
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Someone tried to access my account from an IP registered in Iran. I don't know what someone in the desert would want with an account for Gulf Shores' pier fishing forums. Is this a mistake?
I got an email the other day from the forum saying someone tried to log into my account. I didn't click on the IP address. Not sure what that's about.
Dear chillinfish,
Someone has tried to log into your account on Gulf Shores Pier Fishing Forum
with an incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from
attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes.
The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:
All the best,
Gulf Shores Pier Fishing Forum
I got a similar email on 2/18, but the IP address ( indicated that the attempted hack originated in China. Some people will do anything to access the pier fishing reports (except register) ...
We have had several members receive the "Failed Log in Attempt" message. In checking the IP addresses that were identified as where the log in attempts originated; most of the hacker IP addresses are in China, Russia and South America.
The hack attempts failed, but log in and check your profile info and make sure you have a secure password containing both upper and lower case letters and a number or two.
Thanks for responding, I also got the same message.
Just happened today to me too, received the same message. IP address from Egypt. Whatz the point, nothing to gain?????
Just got one from China. This is one reason to make sure you use different passwords for things like banking.
Where do yall even find stuff like IP addresses?
You can go to an IP address lookup website like IP Location Finder - Geolocation and input the IP address. It will give you the location.
I got the same thing today.
got the same "log-in failed attempt" today, deleted it... thanks fer da heads-up fin...