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Thread: White Trout and a recipe from Pier#er

  1. #1
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    White Trout and a recipe from Pier#er

    Had crispy fried white trout last night.
    We've had them in the past but they have never been a target species for us until now. They are really, really good.

    Did a little research and found this:

    whats the best thing to do with white trout???? - Pensacola Fishing Forum

    Scroll down to post #8.
    Sir David (our fishing encyclopedia) posted this to the PFF back in 2008.
    Butterflied Crispy Fried White Trout. I am going to try it soon.
    Very interesting that you can scale them with a garden hose and then eat the skin and crunchy fins.

    Couple questions for you Sir, if you don't mind:
    How long will they keep in the freezer?
    Do you drop the frozen fillets straight into hot oil?
    Have you ever vaccum packed them after freezing and would you reccomend that?

    Thank you man for everthing you do for us.
    oldfisherman likes this.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandflea View Post
    How long will they keep in the freezer?
    Do you drop the frozen fillets straight into hot oil?
    Have you ever vaccum packed them after freezing and would you reccomend that?

    You're very welcome!

    We've eaten frozen fish this way as long as 6 months old in the deep freeze (they rarely last that long though ;-)
    It seems by that time however, a good bit of 'freezer frost' forms in the bag and on the fillets which REALLY makes them "POP" when dropped in the HOT oil.
    I don't own one (yet ;-) but it's likely using a vacuum sealer would much lessen the amount of air and moisture in the bag thus extending its 'freezer life'.
    This would be especially helpful with whole frozen fish which still have most of the 'red meat' intact on the fillet.

    And yes, I always just drop my frozen, breaded fish in the hot oil.
    Like french fries, they will get crispy and brown outside and retain their flaky tastiness inside.
    When they float, they are done.

    Bon (less) appetit!



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