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  • 3 Post By ChileRelleno

Thread: Deconstructed Chicken Pot Pie

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Deconstructed Chicken Pot Pie

    What we have here is a tasty deconstructed chicken pot pie.

    I started by frying some chicken breasts, and then deglazed the pan with a liberal amount of white wine.
    Reduced the wine by half, tossed in some butter and some fresh sage and thyme.
    To that I added my raw chopped carrots and cooked it down till the carrots were almost glazed.
    Then I added enough chicken stock to barely cover and simmered till the carrots were about halfway to tender.
    Dumped in diced celery and sweet onion, and more chicken stock till just barely peeking up through the veggies, and cooked them till just tender.
    Now I added chopped bell pepper and whole kernel corn, mixed it all together and simmered it down till the stock was almost gone.
    Meanwhile I cubed my chicken breasts and dumped it into my veggies.
    And here is when I cheated big time and opened two 12oz jars of chicken gravy.
    Combine it all together and let it slowly simmer while I started prepping the puff pastry.
    Before serving taste and add salt till the flavors start to 'Pop!'.

    Frozen puff pastry is the order of the day here... I ain't got time for that.
    Partially thaw and cut each section into six pieces, generously paint with egg wash and then sprinkle with coarse salt.
    Bake at 400° till puffed and golden.

    Throw one or two pieces of pastry in a bowl and add the chicken, serve!

    Pier#r, travis and jollymon like this.
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    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

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