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  • 3 Post By ChileRelleno

Thread: A Couple of Yardbirds, and Fixings

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    A Couple of Yardbirds, and Fixings

    Smoked Chicken

    Spatchcocked and Seasoned
    Smoked Paprika
    Montreal Chicken

    Smoked Chicken
    Sourdough Oyster Stuffing
    Southwestern Vegetable Medley

    Sourdough Oyster Stuffing
    5C Sourdough bread, 1/2" cubes, dried
    2 eggs, lightly beaten
    1 Pint fresh oysters, chopped
    2C Sweet Onion, finely chopped
    1.5C Celery, finely copped
    1.5 C Leeks, chopped
    1C Italian Parsely, chopped
    1T Garlic, minced
    2t Sage and Thyme, minced
    12T Butter

    Saute all veggies in 8T butter till soft, add garlic and oysters saute 1 minute.
    In a bowl combine mixture, bread, eggs and herbs, mix well.
    Butter a 9x13 baking dish, put mixture in dish and drizzle with 4T of melted butter (or olive oil).
    Bake covered at 350' for 30-45 minutes.

    Southwestern Vegetable Medley
    2 cans of Green Beans
    1 can of Sweet Corn
    1 can of Rotel (hot)
    1C Bell Pepper, chopped
    1C Sweet Onion, chopped
    1T Garlic, minced
    4T Butter
    1/2 Lime, juice
    1T Chile Powder
    1t Cumin
    1-2t salt

    Combine all ingredients except spices and lime juice
    Bring to boil, lower heat and simmer for 15 minutes
    Add spices to taste, add lime juice, simmer for 15 minutes
    travis, jollymon and chillinfish like this.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

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