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Thread: License Process change for Military and non-Residents

  1. #1
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    License Process change for Military and non-Residents

    • Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
      *Press Release*
      *August 22, 2017*
      *Contact*: WFF Wildlife Section, 334-242-3469
      *License Purchase Method Modified for Some Military Personnel and Those with AL
      Non-Driver ID Cards*
      Non-resident military personnel stationed in Alabama and those with Alabama non-
      driver identification cards will see changes this year in the process of
      purchasing Alabama recreational hunting and fishing licenses. The changes became
      effective August 21, 2017.
      Non-resident military personnel stationed in Alabama must apply for a hunting
      and/or fishing license at their local probate office, license commissioner,
      Marine Resources Division office, or Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division
      headquarters in Montgomery, Ala. A valid U.S. drivers license, military ID card,
      and a copy of military orders assigning them to Alabama for 30 or more days will
      be required when applying. This also applies to spouses and dependents.
      Those with Alabama non-driver identification cards must also apply for a hunting
      and/or fishing license at their local probate office, Marine Resources Division
      office, or Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division headquarters in
      Montgomery, Ala. Two additional proofs of residency are required when applying.
      These changes were made to ensure the correct license types are being sold to
      applicants. It is a violation of Alabama law to willfully or knowingly make a
      false statement when purchasing an Alabama resident hunting or fishing license.
      Hunters and anglers make conservation efforts in Alabama possible through the
      purchase of hunting and fishing licenses. Fish stocking, wildlife management,
      public hunting land, and marine fisheries management are just a few of the
      programs funded in part though license sales.
      More information about the types of licenses available, hunting rules and
      regulations, and how to purchase a license can be found at
      The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources promotes wise
      stewardship, management and enjoyment of Alabamas natural resources through four
      divisions: Marine Resources, State Lands, State Parks, and Wildlife and
      Freshwater Fisheries. To learn more about ADCNR, visit Outdoor Alabama.
      Alabama DNR
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