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  1. #1
    Old Fart
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    Gulf Shores, AL
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    Need an Audio/Video Guru

    Need an Audio/Video Guru that is reasonable!
    I evidently pushed the wrong button on my surround sound system this morning and it is now a silent system. Since there doesn’t appear to be a button that is labeled “Wrong Button” I am screwed. And NO, it wasn’t the mute button.
    I can’t find the folks in Foley that originally set it up, probably another victim of the economy. :angry:
    If anybody knows of a local area small business or audio/video tech that works on the side I would appreciate names and numbers.
    Of course if my 6 year old grandson was down here, I probably wouldn’t need a guru! :banana:

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Need an Audio/Video Guru

    What kind of system do you have Bob? If you can take a few pics I might be able to tell you something on it. Those big complicated ones are a little trickier. I might be able to stop by sometime this week and see if I can't mess it up some more for you. oke1: Seriously though I know a lot of techies who set up tv stuff for my fathers work so might be able to find you some one cheap if you need to. Or you could call the GEEK Squad from Bestbuy lol.
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  3. #3
    Old Fart
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    Re: Need an Audio/Video Guru

    Thanks Chris,
    No Geek Squad for me!
    The receiver/tuner is a Denon and all the speakers are built-ins, I have the manuals, but can't or don't have the patience to understand all the blah, blah, blah tecnical speak.
    If you want to take a shot at it, let me know.
    If that don't work, you can hook me up with one of your techies, cuz I think my subwoofer may have woofed its last woof also.

  4. #4
    Old Fart
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    Gulf Shores, AL
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    Re: Need an Audio/Video Guru

    Thanks Tofer for your help with the sound system, we appreciate it. :bow:
    Not only did ya get my surround sound going again, but brought me a bag of Spanish filets too. :yippee:
    Nothing on earth beats having good friends :banana:



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