You've seen some of Roger Reetz's pics and videos posted on these forums, and perhaps on Facebook under the moniker "Lovely Lizards Photography".

This coming weekend (Dec 6 & 7) he is hosting another class...
Lovely Lizards will be hosting a 2-Day photography class, taught by Lovely Lizards Photographer, Roger Reetz. The class will be an intensive 10-12 hour study, starting with “this is a camera” and covering such topics as composition, portraits, nature photography, existing light photography, landscapes, going manual, wildlife photography, photo editing apps, and much more. It will be beneficial for both “Point and Shoot” and DSLR camera owners but will have a heavy focus on using a DSLR camera. Weather permitting; we will also get some hands on practice with taking pictures outdoors.

The course will be held at the Orange Beach Golf Center on Canal Road, on Saturday, December 6, from 9-4ish and Sunday December 7, from 1-8ish. The cost of the class is $75 (check or cash). We will break for lunch on Saturday, but please bring a bag lunch for Sunday. For more information or to register for the class, please email Roger at [email]