I attended my third AS this weekend in Mobile, and as usual had a good time, learned new things about myself and being a better Rifleman.
It was also my youngest son's first AS and he had a lot of fun and learned an immense amount new knowledge, he bettered himself as a shooter and made some new acquaintances.

I'd like to give a huge shout out for the IITs, Instructor and Shoot Boss, they did a wonderful job.
Thank you for y'alls work and enthusiasm.
The instruction was first rate, the history lessons told with feeling and above a safe environment.

Had a great group of people out there on the line, I think everyone came away a better shooter.

This was my third AS, my third Rifleman patch and I've finally taken a Orange Hat for Instructor In Training.
I hope that I can conduct myself to the degree that I've witnessed from all the other AS crews.
I want to share my love for shooting and shooting accurately, for this country and the freedoms/liberties we have and the sacrifices made to garner them for us.
Pray that we never need fight for them again.