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Thread: Surf rod question

  1. #1
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    Surf rod question

    I have been using 7’ rods for surf fishing and would like to get a set up that I can use to get a bait further out. Was thinking of 10’ H20 Express rod from Academy Sports with a Penn Fierce 5000. Or do I need a longer rod? Any advice would be appreciated. Mainly targeting pompano and reds.

  2. #2
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    I'm sure it would work, but I will always prefer Shimano Bait-Runners for big Redfish. Caught a few 20-25lbs on the older 4500's. And I may be wrong, but most Reds and pomps I've seen come from closer-to-shore, so a good 8-9ft rod would be enough for me.

    Buy you're young and I'm old and the mileage will vary.
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  4. #3
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    I've started using an 8.5 and a 9' for most of my inshore and surf fishing. I still use 7-8' rods too though. I don't like slinging heavy weights, so usually I'm fishing relatively calm water and using 2 oz or less. Once in a while I'll use 3 oz, but its not my preference. I don't have trouble slinging 2 oz with a pomp rig to the second bar and beyond (depending on the changing conditions and the fact that I'm usually willing to wade out and cast.
    My 9 footers are x-heavy steelhead rods that do double duty as bait soakers and casting rods with lures. I like them because they're considerably lighter than your average (inexpensive) surf rod, they make a fight with a pompano fun and they have plenty of backbone to handle a bull red.
    The rod and reel you mentioned should work fine. It really all depends on your preferences. You could go smaller on the reel if you use braid, although you'll want enough leader to soak up some of the shock. Braid doesn't have much give when you cast weights or heavy lures.
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  6. #4
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    I also prefer steelhead rods for surf as mentioned above. My longer, heavier rods really only get used for sharks anymore. I've found no benefit in my trips to the gulf of lugging 12ft+ rods down.

    Daiwa 9'6 Acculite Steelhead is fantastic all around rod for lures and bait 1oz and under. Not too much for Whiting, pompano but plenty for bull reds.
    Pier#r, midwestexile and MarkS1320 like this.

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  8. #5
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    You've gotten some good responses already, but I'll add 2’
    Most folks (with a decent technique) gain an average of about 10 yards more casting distance per foot of rod.
    Find the balance that works FOR YOU!

    IMHO surf rods to target "redfish" are a different class than "pompano" rods.
    And a medium heavy action (MH) rod 15-30# line is way overkill for pompano.
    If you want both in one rod, try to 'step down' to a medium action (M) in the 10-20# class.
    They are harder to find, but worth the effort in enjoyment.

    Most folks opt for the heavier class rods because they are more available and they "might hook a bull red or black drum".
    But unless you want to target those specifically (and/or sharks), you will get more use out of a 'lighter' classed rods.
    I tell my clients "Would you want to catch a bass or walleye on that? Because that's the size of +95% of the saltwater fish you are likely to catch in the surfzone."

    For me, pompano rods should be rated no more than 20# line, and 3 ounce lure (weight).
    Rods to target redfish, etc. are anything over that. Even though the lighter tackle can manage a typical 15-25# red or drum just fine.

    Hope this helps!

    OBTW, if you do opt for a "Steelhead" rod for surf fishing, be sure it has the handle shown 'A' and not 'B'...
    CJW, fordguy, MarkS1320 and 1 others like this.

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  10. #6
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    Thanks for the input. I am trying to get by with buying only one rod at this point. Can’t justify both as I only get to surf fish 4-5 days a year.

  11. #7
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    Then, depending on you budget I would suggest something like the OA PSTS1015302 ($90), Lamiglass Insane Surf LIS 10 MS ($150), Daiwa TDSF1002MFS ($190), Penn Carnage CARSFII1530S1 ($210), or St Croix Avid VSS100MF2 ($340).

    You'd probably like the Lamiglass or Daiwa best for the work you want, and they are mid range price point.
    Nothing wrong with the Bass Pro OA Power Stik (I own a 10'r) but it is a bit of overkill for pompano even with a 3500 Penn Spinfisher V and 15# braid.
    Last edited by Pier#r; 03-21-2021 at 05:41 PM.

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  13. #8
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    I'll second pier #er's suggestion of the daiwa rods. I've owned and used a few and they're both light and capable. If you want something that's less expensive, and a little shorter that you can abuse if you have to (think about a big ray taking your pomp rig for a spin) and not worry too much about damaging anything- consider the ugly stik sst (salmon steelhead) rods. You do lose some sensitivity as theyre a glass/graphite blend but they perform admirably for the price.
    Last edited by fordguy; 03-22-2021 at 12:32 PM.

  14. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pier#r View Post
    Then, depending on you budget I would suggest something like the OA PSTS1015302 ($90), Lamiglass Insane Surf LIS 10 MS ($150), Daiwa TDSF1002MFS ($190), Penn Carnage CARSFII1530S1 ($210), or St Croix Avid VSS100MF2 ($340).

    You'd probably like the Lamiglass or Daiwa best for the work you want, and they are mid range price point.
    Nothing wrong with the Bass Pro OA Power Stik (I own a 10'r) but it is a bit of overkill for pompano even with a 3500 Penn Spinfisher V and 15# braid.
    #'er, Several years ago I bought a TDs-1002 MHRS for $20.00 from a guy who was moving. Since I never planned to sell it, I cut the handle down a few inches to make it easier for an old dude (me) to use. By far, still my favorite.
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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pier#r View Post
    You've gotten some good responses already, but I'll add 2’
    Most folks (with a decent technique) gain an average of about 10 yards more casting distance per foot of rod.
    Find the balance that works FOR YOU!

    IMHO surf rods to target "redfish" are a different class than "pompano" rods.
    And a medium heavy action (MH) rod 15-30# line is way overkill for pompano.
    If you want both in one rod, try to 'step down' to a medium action (M) in the 10-20# class.
    They are harder to find, but worth the effort in enjoyment.

    Most folks opt for the heavier class rods because they are more available and they "might hook a bull red or black drum".
    But unless you want to target those specifically (and/or sharks), you will get more use out of a 'lighter' classed rods.
    I tell my clients "Would you want to catch a bass or walleye on that? Because that's the size of +95% of the saltwater fish you are likely to catch in the surfzone."

    For me, pompano rods should be rated no more than 20# line, and 3 ounce lure (weight).
    Rods to target redfish, etc. are anything over that. Even though the lighter tackle can manage a typical 15-25# red or drum just fine.

    Hope this helps!

    OBTW, if you do opt for a "Steelhead" rod for surf fishing, be sure it has the handle shown 'A' and not 'B'...
    I'm using some Eagle Claw Powerlight Steelhead rods for pomps- they have the shorter handles and do fine for that. Definitely not surf-slingers though, but they're a decent price for anyone on a budget. (or cheap like me)
    Pier#r, Mr. Cleland and DKillgore like this.


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