cheap king rod build
I am a Alabama native stuck in Texas because of the army I fish every weekend I am looking for a cheap blank that I can use on the jetties for Jacks and the occasional king to throw live lined mullet also use to throw lys when I get the chance to come home I have a rod builder here that will build a rod for me but I need to know what blank and guides every body here is a trout fisherman so I need a king rod any help would be appreciated
Hello cat and thanks for your service. You can go to mudhole and get what you need
What length are you wanting? Are you going to be using braid or mono? Are you going to be throwing small live baits or big artificials? Once I have a better idea of your style of fishing I can give you better advice as to which blank and guides would be most adventagous to your style of fishing
I will be throwing small live baits and will only be using mono
A batson swb80ml or a gator bs596 are both good starter rods to build on. As for guides I would use a pacbay braces wire guide part number xbsg 60, 40, 30, ,20, and 16 with a Fuji 16 tip.
For the tip what kind on fuji tip?
It should say the size on the blank specifications from which ever website you buy from. I use tips with alconite rings.