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Thread: Need parts - Shimano Sedona 4000FB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Thanked 97 Times in 17 Posts

    Need parts - Shimano Sedona 4000FB

    Hey All,

    More for fun and learning than anything else, I have a Shimano Sedona 4000FB I was restoring but I'm having trouble with one last part. The bail arm is frozen and one of the screws is stripped. I think that even if I get the screw off, the whole bail arm might need to be replaced. However, I have been having trouble finding parts for this reel. Does anyone have an old and busted Shimano Sedona 4000FB with which they wouldn't mind parting (for a few bucks, of course)? Also, does anyone know if the newer 4000FD parts are fairly interchangeable? I could order some parts from the newer FD reel model if I only knew.



  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Very few if any will interchange. Shimano discontinues reels and usually don't carry back stock of parts. Every once in awhile you'll get lucky and they have the right part. Guess they expect you to replace a reel after so long, which is ok except when it's a high dollar reel. You should be able to get that screw out by drilling it a bit then using an easy out bit. Sand the bail arm a bit to get the corrosion off and grease it up good. For some reason Shimano reels are notorious for corroding here. I tell people when they buy one before they use it to take that side loose and grease it up. Can't tell you how many I've worked on with that same problem. If you can find a 4000 RB those parts will work also.
    FinChaser, Pier#r and jhl like this.
    Dealing with some REEL issues in your life? The DOC will see you now!

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