Caught about 85 and kept 2 limits. BTW there were 2 of us fishing.
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Caught about 85 and kept 2 limits. BTW there were 2 of us fishing.
Awesome. Crappie have been hot at Guntersville lake.
That is some good eating right there!
Looks like its time for me to get the flatbottom out and head to guntersville
Nice mess o' slabs!
I love saltwater fishing but I do miss spring crappie fishing on the Alabama River out of Prattville and up on Lake Jordan.
Way to go, Chillen, that must have been a blast.
I have gotten bad about releasing or giving away crappie, and only keeping a few each trip to clean. Still, we end up with a freezer full that I use to trade for tomatoes, canned vegetables, homemade vegetable soup, jams and jellys, with clients and friends. The measuring stick is 18 in., that I have used for more years than I can remember. If the crappie is longer than the stick, it is released back into the lake, for someone else to catch or to reproduce (hopefully). Wish I had pics of 5 I caught this winter that were 20 in. or a little better. Lake Guntersville has some huge crappie now since the 9 in. limit was started some years back, and many of the regular crappie guys only keep 10 in. or better, which is way cool for the fishery.
EVERYTHING grows bigger on Guntersville Lake. I was on Pickwick Lake near the Alabama Mississippi line. It's a rare event that I am able to fish when not on vacation. We were pulling 6 rods on a big submerged island. He has a 20hp Suzuki that used about 1 1/2 gallons of gas in 10 hours of constant running. The wind is NOT your friend when doing this. It makes the boat run at an angle to your lines and lifts one side and lowers the other. We should have started a lot earlier and been able to keep the boat in the hot spots longer. We were using horse heads on the bottom of the rig and a jig about 2' up on a drop loop. We had several doubles on the same line. It was a circus at times and we had to cut and retie several tangles and had 7 or 8 break offs due to snags but lost very little tackle. Most were in the 10-11" range with a few 14 and 15. I took 16 home to fillet and he cleaned the rest for his family and friends.