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Thread: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

  1. #1
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    Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    Hey guys,

    I moved to baldwin county from Texas a little over a week ago. My wife and I took a trip out to gulf shores pier and now I am hooked without actually having fished there yet. The only kind of fishing I have done was from lakes and rivers, where I would be lucky to catch 4 or 5 pound cat or several crappie. I have checked over this site and feel very encouraged to give pier fishing a try. As I can tell it seems the locals are very helpful as long as common courtesies are given and common sense is used. My current gear is pretty weak with basically only crappie lures, so I will be making a trip soon to gather a whole new setup. I plan on starting out closer to the shore on the pier so I do not get in the way of the more hardcore experienced fishermen. My biggest question currently is where is the best place around to purchase gear from. Bass Pro seems like the most logical, but are there more local shops that would be better and potentially more helpful for a newbie like myself? Also, what type of gear will I need from the ground up? Cooler, rod, reel, line, lures, etc...

    Thanks for your time and responses,
    Tony B.

  2. #2
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    Welcome to the forum!

    J&M Tackle is highly thought of... They give good advice to anyone on their fishing needs, are priced very competitively, have or will get what you want, open at 0500am and the Owner is GSP regular and IIRC an Admin here.
    You cannot go wrong with J&M, they've been very friendly and helpful on my visits.

    I also shop BPS, Academy & even Wally World.

    Also, what type of gear will I need from the ground up? Cooler, rod, reel, line, lures, etc...
    The answers to those have been given more times than :
    Start reading through the forums and reading anything that catches your eye, meanwhile I'll quote another post of mine.
    Cooler, big enough to cram a decent sized fish into, e.g. 54qt.
    [quote author=ChileRelleno link=topic=1780.msg16762#msg16762 date=1344224429]
    Rods: 6-9' medium/light, medium or medium heavy.
    Reels: Capable of holding at least 250-300 yards of 12-20#
    Some folks land kings on lighter rigs for more sport.
    I suspect that your Striper rigs will be just fine.

    For building leaders:
    #2 -#4 4X trebles
    Uncoated wire for leaders, single or 7strand, 27# 30# & 60# seem to be the most commonly used. 24" leader length is good.
    Small #10, 30-50# barrel swivels.
    The same rig with live or dead baits will catch your Kings, Jacks, Reds, Sharks, Rays and whatnot.

    Lots of lures will catch Kings, anywhere from 7/8oz and up.
    A wire leader for the lures is a must too.
    Yozuri crystal minnows are a favorite and can be found for $7. at the local Walmarts.
    Yozuri, Rapala, Bomber, Hendon all the usual players, floating and diving.
    Bubbles rigs, 7/8-1oz Gotchas, various spoons and whatnot are effective on Kings, Spanish, Jacks & Reds.

    Stock up on various Sabiki rigs for catching bait, sizes #6 -#8 are commonly used.
    Get a ribbon rig too when ya get down here.
    Sabikis tipped with shrimp/squid/cut bait will also catch most species in the surf.
    Using the larger Sabikis tipped with bait will land Blues, Pomps, Whiting, White Trout, Ground Mullet and ect.

    1/4-1oz egg sinkers for rigging Carolina rigs for bottom fishing.
    Various jigs (white, yellow, orange and smoke) for Flounder, Pomps, White trout and etc.
    Bull minnows on light Carolina rigs or with a split shot are deadly on Flounder.
    Shrimp, Sand Fleas & crabs = everything in the surf or inshore.
    allgame likes this.
    Ragnar Benson:
    Never, under any circumstances, ever become a refugee.
    Die if you must, but die on your home turf with your face to the wind, not in some stinking hellhole 2,000 kilometers away, among people you neither know nor care about.

  3. #3
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    I will second J& M!! Spend more time at the pier and observe/learn from watching the regulars. Refrain from buying much right now. I ran a clay target range for years and watched so many people waste hundreds of dollars on something not even close to what they actually needed. The same goes for pier fishing. Some of your light equipment may fit in nicely for trout, reds, panfish and catching live bait. Many on here are die hard king and cobia killers and that's a whole different ballgame with equipment. Time spent observing what goes on at the end of the pier, even a few minutes after work without a rod in hand will get you a long way.

    Bubba Feesh


  4. #4
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    Bass Pro has it all in the name brands but if you want to go cheap just pick up a walmart setup it will not last as long but its easier on the wallet.

  5. #5
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    I love going to Bass Pro however I haven't been to the one down there. I would rather spend my money at J&M. Walk in Bass Pro and the first employee you see ask them about pier fishing then do the same at J&M.

  6. #6
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    one thing I learned was wheels on something is the most valuable thing to have....some just bring a rod or 2, but to come prepared to catch and keep fish.....it is a long way to go and carry your stuff.....just saying....whether it's a pier cart, cooler with wheels and rod holders mounted on it or some kind of 2 or 4 wheel cart ....a link to give a few ideas


  7. #7
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    I never make a trip to BASS Pro Shop unless someone gives me a BPS gift card or I am passing by it in route to Ed’s Seafood Shed. I go in, stock up on 99 cent sabiki rigs, and leave.
    If you want solid advice and the right tackle, go to J & M (THE SALTWATER PRO SHOP) first. If J & M doesn’t have it; they can get it, build it or it doesn’t exist.
    Life is like toilet paper; you’re either on a roll or taking crap from some a$$hole!

  8. #8
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    hey guys thanks so much for the advice. I will definitely be spending some more time down there whenever I get the chance.

  9. #9
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    Re: Completely new at bay or pier fishing... Help please!!!!

    Heavier freshwater gear you already have (not crappie gear) will get you started in the shallows with slightly different terminal tackle but be sure to clean it well after a trip to the saltwater. The difference in price between good saltwater gear and freshwater is the ability to slow the harsh environmental damage. Nothing stops saltwater damage given enough time, but good equipment given good care will last.



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