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Thread: Research on Inshore Species Yeilds Interesting Revelations

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    The reefs are good and bad They hold bait but the ling will dive on them if close I remember I spotted a pair of 40 #rs one day few hundred yards out right in line with the octi They got a bout 50 feet from the reef and veered I had to shoot and it was bad! It’s about a 70 yard pitch I just went home and started drinking heavily😂
    Green_Steel and Pier#r like this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    I know this is an old thread but Ive been busy with life and not touched a fishing pole is quite a while.

    Those brown fish, while great tasting and fighting, really need to be left alone. I have lived in this area since 2012 and despite what those biologist say the catch seems to have gone down considerably. I can remember there being so many boats cruising the coast; now its only a few actually cruising looking for Cobia during the day because the numbers are not there. The limit is now 2 fish per boat in FL or one per person. Females mature at about 3 yrs and can spawn up 30 times in a season and males at 2 years. They live up to 15 years so do the math there should not be a shortage of fish yet we are seeing fewer not more of them.

    Oh well that just my opinion take it for what its worth...


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