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  1. #1
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    My Trip to the Keys: Photos, Videos, Parallels to GSPP

    Drove down to the keys this weekend. The day started at Robbies Dock in Islamorada. The water their is unbelievable! The temps started out at a chilly 71 degrees, but quickly warmed to 83.

    We took a party boat charter for a couple hours, just to get in some fishing in the Keys. We killed the yellowtail snapper and got to see a HUGE barracuda circling the boat. I couldnt get him to feed

    [img width=720 height=960]http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa466/filtersnow/424021_2901288144650_1633853459_2536951_1790850939 _n.jpg[/img]

    After that, we went back to the dock for a while. There we saw all the Tarpon that the dock is famous for.

    [img width=720 height=540]http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa466/filtersnow/424940_2903657123873_1633853459_2537748_1859408538 _n.jpg[/img]

    These Tarpon just hang out under the dock. I had seen videos before, but I always thought they were moderate sized tarpon. These things were 100lbs+!

    Here is a short vid of me feeding one. I was too scared to let it take my arm, but it did get my hand, and cut me up a little.


    Apperntly, the reason the tarpon hang around is because back in the day, Robbie saw a big tarpon struggling on a sandbar. He went to rescue it and found that the whole side of his mouth was ripped off. He brought it to the doc and had a guy sew its mouth back up.

    He then force fed it back to health. Then, the poon just hung around the dock. Soon, other tarpon joined in and now the place has tons of tarpon waiting to be fed.

    This made me think about GSPP. We used to feed Sam back to health. Now, other pelicans join in. It seems that animals see other animals doing something, and then try it out. Pretty interesting stuff.

    On the Pelican issue, it could be worst.

    [img width=720 height=540]http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa466/filtersnow/20120128134915.jpg[/img]

    There were hundreds of them down there! This little guy attacked me and chased me down the dock. He was relentless.

    [img width=720 height=960]http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa466/filtersnow/20120128135930.jpg[/img]

    There was a guy down there with a 10 foot pole. His only job was to beat the pelicans off of people. No lie! The pelicans would see you trying to feed the tarpon and come knock you down trying to get the fish out of your hand and bucket. I thought it was funny.

  2. #2
    Old Fart
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    Re: My Trip to the Keys: Photos, Videos, Parallels to GSPP

    Thanks for the report, great stuff. I bet Sam wouldn’t like all that competition!


  3. #3
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    Re: My Trip to the Keys: Photos, Videos, Parallels to GSPP

    I would love a trip to the Keys, so color me green with envy! LOL, seriously I would like to go if for nothing more than the fabled sunsets. Wetting a hook would be a bonus.

  4. #4
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    Re: My Trip to the Keys: Photos, Videos, Parallels to GSPP

    Awesome report Bubba! Seriously going to have to make a trip someday soon.
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  5. #5
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    Re: My Trip to the Keys: Photos, Videos, Parallels to GSPP

    I'd get kicked out of there for attempting to handline... oke1:



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