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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Thanked 37 Times in 10 Posts

    Download info for Lawrence HDS 5

    I lost all my waypoints on my HDS 5 Lawrence, anyone know where and what format is needed for Lawrence model?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Foley, AL
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    One of the Lowrance formats is .usr. GPS Babel is supposed to do it. There is another Lowrance format, but I can't recall it at the moment.

    I've been trying to put the Alabama public reefs into .usr for a friend and am having trouble going from the kmz format (have to convert to .kml and then does not want to pick up all the points).

    The gpx file the state provides is goobered and I have yet to discover which .csv works with GPS babel. I'll have an .hwr (humminbird) file in a few days when I can get back on this and will translate to .usr and send it if you still need.

    Artificial Reefs | Outdoor Alabama
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Foley, AL
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    This is a friendlier interface for GPS Babel. You might try this with the .csv file the state provides.

    GPS Visualizer: Web interface to GPSBabel

    I have the old state data in a csv that will work with my humminbird, but it was copied from the old .pdf of the brochure and has a few errors. If you are in a hurry pm me and I will send you that - no guarantees.

    I use the free humminbird software to convert my .csv to .hwr with a workaround and can go from there to most other formats with GPS Babel. Give me a few days, maybe this weekend and I will send you the .usr file. Like I said, I am already doing it for a friend, just busy with work at the moment..
    People are shocked to see sharks in the water around here.

    If you see natural water taste it. If it's salty it has sharks in it. If it's fresh it has alligators in it. If it's brackish it has both.



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