Hey guys are the pompano here when its this cold? I kept some Whiting to eat and they were excellent table fare, what else is good eating that is catchable in the surf mow? Are there sand fleas in this area? I can't seem to find them.
Thanks Kenny
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Hey guys are the pompano here when its this cold? I kept some Whiting to eat and they were excellent table fare, what else is good eating that is catchable in the surf mow? Are there sand fleas in this area? I can't seem to find them.
Thanks Kenny
Yes, pompano should be around in water above 60 degrees.
Other good eating fish available this time of year (after pompano and whiting) are black and red drum (under 10#), speckled and white trout (seatrout), maybe a few flounder and I like bluefish as well.
Sandfleas are extremely hard to come by this time year as they usually abandon the swashzone in cooler months and retreat farther out and scatter.
IMHO beach ghost shrimp are by far the best winter bait!
thanks for the info.....off to try for some Pompano