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  1. #1
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    Are floats okay for kings?

    Fishing from my kayak, Im not one to never quit paddling. So, when I find a place I think I should focus around I'll stop and catch some bait and put my king rod out and while I wait try to catch a flounder/reds/blues/ or anything else on the bottom (except catfish). But my bait will start sinking (swimming) down. Is it okay to use a bubble float to keep my bait atleast in the top portion of the water column or will it deture a king mackerel? Also do tarpon hit live LY on wire leader setups? And is there any point in dropping a live LY on a bottom rig? Any and all help is highly appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Re: Are floats okay for kings?

    I don't fish bottom much. Floats are used regularly for kings and Spanish to keep the bait closer to the surface. I like the split ones that are easy to put on and take off. Tarpon like ly's. Hook them in the head and troll behind your kayak. Last July I hooked and faught five tarpon in two days on wire leaders. None were on purpose. It was a big ly die off and they were feasting.

  3. #3
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    Re: Are floats okay for kings?

    +1 what Rich posted! :headbang:
    Floats are a good addition to any tacklebag or box and the 'slotted' ones are easy on easy off.
    You will need at least a 3" cigar shaped styrofoam float to keep an LY on the surface, but too large a float hinders the bait and may tip off a fish from the drag when it gets pulled under.

    An LY on bottom is 'candy' for just about anything from bullreds to catfish.
    But it doesn't take much weight to keep one down.
    It would seem 1/2 to 1 ounce would work fine most of the time, even 1/4 ounce when it's calm without much current.

    (RETIRED) mostly.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Are floats okay for kings?

    Thanks guys! Hopefully tomorrow a tarpon will take the bait. And HOPEFULLY a king will, too. I have been using a clear bubble float to good success with floating LYs and caught my Jack with the float on it. I think tomorrow I will try to catch something big on bottom with a live LY, while floating one for kings.



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